This Was You, Not Me

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Arabella's POV:

I just stand there, staring at Sam. He quickly stands up. "I swear, it's not what it looks like-" he grabs my hand. "What are you doing here?"

"You told me yesterday I could drop by in the morning. That it would be just us," I gesture over to Caroline.

"I'm sorry, I-"

"You're sorry? After all this... You're sorry?"

"After all what?"

"Ignoring me for Caroline. Spending more time with Caroline than me. Having Caroline over at your house!"

"I know, I'm sorry."

"If you're so sorry, why is she here? Why did you go to her instead of me. Excuse me if it sounds rude, but it's my right to be hellish, I still get jealous! When I first saw her, I didn't like the way you looked at each other. It's crazy I haven't lost you."

"You haven't!"

"I didn't lose you. You lost me."

Then Chandler walks in. "Oh. My. God. Sam!!!!"

I look over at Chandler, tears in my eyes.

"How could you, Sam?" Chandler asks, looking over at sleeping Caroline. Sam is speechless.

I run out the front door. Chandler follows me. Soft tears run down my cheeks. He opens his arms. "Come here." I accept his hug and cry into his chest. "Shh shh shh... It's okay, it's okay..."

I don't care if I'm making a scene. I don't care if people see. I don't care about anything at this point. Chandler doesn't seem to, either.

Goodbye, Hot Smelly Goodness. Goodbye, "Salt Water." Goodbye, hope. Goodbye, trust.

Chandler pulls away and looks at me. "It's okay. It's okay," he wipes my tears away. Sam feels like a distant memory. "Arabella. You're strong. Look at everything you've been through to here. You're strong. Don't let someone like Sam take you down. Someone else loves you. I know."

"Doesn't feel like it."

"That's the thing. I'm that someone else. The one who loves you."

"Chandler, I..."

"I'm sorry."

"No. Don't be."

Chandlers POV:

I told Arabella. I mean, I've told her before, but still. Now we stand in Sam's driveway, upset and shocked from the scene that just happened.

So I kissed her.

And in that moment, Sam walked out. "Arabella... Arabella? Chandler!?"

I pull away and look at Sam. "This was you, not me," I say.

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