Chapter 32

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Amy Farrington:

This past week has seemed surreal. It even seems a bit incomplete. You would think that I would be happy considering I got exactly what I came here for, but something doesn’t seem right. I’m engaged with the person I’ve spent almost half my life with already, so why does it seem like I’m making a mistake? Why does it seem like this isn’t what I’m supposed to be doing? Why does it feel like he isn’t who I’m supposed to be marrying, when all this time I’ve been waiting for this? I’ve been waiting patiently for over five years for him to propos, and now that he has, it isn’t what I expected. I think maybe I’ve been waiting for it so long that I’ve put way too high of an expectation to it, and this wasn’t anywhere near to that expectation.

I’m standing in a crowded room, but I feel like I’m alone. I feel like this crowded room is nothing, but my imagination that I have come up with while sitting in an empty white room. I know there’s something missing, but I can’t put my finger on it; and honestly, I think I might be going crazy trying to figure it out.

I know it can’t be Niall. It can’t be. He’s gone. He left without saying good bye, which tells me that he couldn't care less. Why would he care anyway? He’s got no reason to care for me. He shouldn’t care for me. And I shouldn’t care for him. Now, if only it were that simple.

“Flight 542 now boarding to Los Angeles, California.”

** ** **

“Ahh! Amy! Let’s see it!” Marianne, Rosie, and my mom all said simultaneously as I walked through my front door with Connor and his parents.

It took me a while to notice that there were countless other people there as well. I couldn’t figure out why until I walked a little further in.

Congrats on the engagement!

There were at least five banners saying the same thing throughout the house. I wasn’t sure how everyone even knew that it had happened already. Sure I left saying I was going to get engaged, but what if it hadn’t happened? What if he had said no? What if… never mind…

“Uh hello? Earth to Amy! We want to see your engagement ring! Where is it?” Marianne asked once more while waving her hands in front of my face.

I smiled and showed them my hand. On my ring finger lay a 14 karat diamond ring. Marianne and Rosie seemed to be out of breath and just kept squealing in my face. My mom on the other hand just smiled approvingly and hugged me. She congratulated me and then walked away.

“Uh I hate you! Your engagement ring is so beautiful. Mine won’t compare to yours when I finally get one as well.” Rosie said as Marianne nodded in agreement.

It was then that it hit me that this was happening. I was going to marry the guy that I’ve been in love with for the past eight years. I’m going to get married!

I started to get excited about it. I think all I needed was to share the moment with my friends.

“I’m going to be the future Mrs. Fitzpatrick, Amy Fitzpatrick.” I said as they squealed again; this time I joined them.

As I talked to Marianne and Rosie, I was being congratulated by many people. Soon after everyone had came through, Connor and the girls’ boyfriends came over.

“Hey congratulations. On both the engagement and being named the future CEO’s of your family’s business. I’m almost certain you would have been happy with just the promotion. But I guess the engagement is just a plus, right?”

“Uh yeah. I’m so excited for both. And you know, now that I have both, I can’t see my life without one, but I guess yeah I would have been happy to have one if I knew the other was just around the corner. You know? I feel like that made absolutely no sense.” I responded trying to figure out a way to clarify what I’m trying to say if they didn’t understand.

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