Chapter 16

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"Alright, so I guess we aren't getting a tow." Niall said the second I walked out.

"Great, just great. Now what are we supposed to do?" I asked clearly frustrated with the fact that all of my plans have gone horribly wrong. Why is this even happening? Never have my plans backfired on me in any way.

"C'mon." he said as he grabbed my bag and started walking down the same road we were on earlier.

"Where are y... Wait, where are you going?" I asked unsure as I tried catching up to him.

"We're walking." He said simply.

"To Dublin? Are you crazy? I can't walk to Dublin in these shoes." I said.

"Yeah, we're walking all the way to Dublin, Amy," he spoke sarcastically. "You've got to be kidding me. We're walking until we come across something else. Like maybe, just maybe, a train station, or possibly a bus station." He said as he continued walking.

I sighed and followed him seeing as though I didn't have any other choice. I was unsure of the time, but I knew it had to be long past noon. I noticed the sky wasn't as clear as it was when we originally left Crookhaven.

We have been walking for what feels like hours, but I'm pretty sure has only been an hour. I've just grown tired of walking in these shoes. They aren't really made for long walks along the countryside of Ireland. I'm really starting to regret ever wearing them at all. I'm sure if I had known I would be doing all of this walking that I would actually have worn my toms or even my vans. If only I had known.

I was beyond glad that we reached another building. I was even happier to see that it was a train station. I had no idea where we were but that didn't really matter as long as they have a train to Dublin.

"Hello, how may I help you?" said the older man standing behind the counter.

"Hi, I was hoping for a one way trip to Dublin."

"Well, you're just in time, the next train to Dublin leaves in about two hours."

"Perfect," I said as I paid for the tickets.

I left my things inside the station and walked back out, to a bench. I needed to sit and relax after walking for so long. I sat alone and waited for about two minutes before Niall came out and sat beside me. I sighed thinking about not having this time alone how I'd originally planned. It was very much a disappointed sigh, but in a way, it was a bit of a happy sigh as well. I'm not sure.

I hadn't really talked to him much on our walk here. It was strange, but for some reason, the silence between us wasn't a bad one. It was a lot more like a good silence. A relaxing silence.


"Excuse me?" I said looking straight ahead.

"Ballycastle. It's only about 20 minutes to reach the top if you want to come."

"No, thank you. I don't want to miss my train."

"Oh yeah, and waiting here is going to kill two hours? Well alright, suit yourself." He said as he began walking up the hill to what looked like ruins of some sort.

As I looked closely, taking in the details, I realized that he was indeed talking about an actual castle. I have always been into the idea that I was a princess; I've always wanted my dad to buy me a castle. He would always tell me that one day I would have a castle of my own and a prince to go along with it. I always laughed at the idea as he would keep repeating it every year, this year being no exception. He tells me now that I've found my prince and that all I'm missing is my castle. And he's right. I have found my prince.

"Niall, wait! I love castles."

"Great, you know, I've heard its one of the ten wonders of Ireland."

"Well, you've heard wrong. There are actually only seven wonders of Ireland; and they are all natural wonders, not handmade. I would think you would know that seeing as though you live in Ireland, but I guess not."

"Okay, well then, miss know it all. I just thought I would tell you that that is what I've heard. I never said that I was certain. Besides, I wouldn't know, I never finished high school."

"What? How is it that you've never graduated from high school, but you've got a somewhat functional pub back home?"

"I don't want to talk about it. Now, I'm sure you're glad to be getting to Dublin so that you could do your shopping." He said as if he were trying to prove some sort of point. But what is he getting at here, that I spend too much money, or what? He probably thinks of me as one of those bimbos that does nothing but shop. I mean, I do, but I also uphold a job at a wonderful company.  One day, I hope to own the company myself. I'm sure I could do it, of course with the help of Connor. I mean, that's only right. As of right now, it is being run equally by the Farrington family and the Fitzpatrick family; and pretty soon, those two families are going to merge into one, so it's only fair if we run it. I'm right, aren't I? Even if I'm wrong, I think that there's no better person to run it beside me.

"I do so much more than just shop you know. I did tell you I have a job."

"Yes, you did. But you see, I don't really count that as a job, seeing as though you don't actually do any work. You said yourself that you hardly ever have to leave your house to do your 'job' so it's not really much of a job now is it?"

"It is. An at home job, is still a job. I get paid. I do work. And I do other things beside just that. My friends and I enjoy working with interior design as a hobby. We sometimes go out to help other friends out and stage houses and apartments when they need help with getting a sale offer."

"Oh yeah. Well, that's not really much is it?"

"You know what, whatever. I don't care what you think. I know I do something of importance, and whether or not you see it too, is not important."

"Yeah, right." He said as I sighed in annoyance. "Ah, riddle me this, will ya? If your house were on fire, or your apartment that you said you were planning to buy with Connor was on fire, what would you save? What would be the one item you wouldn't leave the house without because it just meant that much to you?" he said.

I didn't give him much of an answer. I kinda just stopped and looked at him for a while.

"Would you save your dog? Or maybe your computer? Or your precious iPhone that no longer works? What would you save?"

"I..." I began, but couldn't really decide. I mean, really I'd be able to save my phone without having to chose that as my option because; well it would already be in my pocket. And I wouldn't have to save my dog, because Anubis would basically be able to save himself and walk right out beside me. So I really had no idea what I would save after counting all the loopholes that I could find.

"Exactly, you don't know."

"What would you grab, if your pub was on fire?"

"I know exactly what I would grab."

"Oh really, what? What would you grab?"

"I'm not telling you anything."

"Of course not. You probably have no idea either."

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