Chapter 29

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Amy Farrington:

“Amy! Is that you?” Connor said behind me. The second I heard his voice, I turned around in surprise.

“Connor!” I couldn’t believe it was him. I was so happy to see him, I literally jumped into him after he was close enough and hugged him tight. “Baby, I’ve missed you.” I said as I kissed him lightly on the lips.

“I’ve missed you too. Where have you been? How long have you been here? When were you planning on telling me that you were here?”

“Connor, I called and your mom said you were out. She said she would let you know the second you walked back in. Anyway, I was on my way there now, and I’m not very happy to see that I wouldn’t have been greeted by you when I walked in.”

“That’s beside the point. You’re here with me now, and I’m still the first person to greet you.”

“I know. And I’m glad you are,” I respomded honestly.

“Yeah so am I,” he said as he looked passed me and asked, “Who’s that?”

I turned around to see Niall standing there staring at us converse.

“Umm, Connor this is Niall; Niall this is Connor. He uh, he helped me get from Crookhaven to Dublin.”

“Right, thanks for getting her here in one piece man. I know she’s not the easiest person to travel with, so kudos to you for surviving that.” Connor said to Niall.

Niall responded by simply saying, “Yeah, that she isn’t.”

“Well baby, I was going to wait till later, but seeing as though you’re here now, and I can’t wait any longer; I have something important to ask you.”

“Umm okay, ask me.” I said not really interested in the conversation at hand. I noticed Connor’s cousins had their phones and even a camera out in the open now.

I looked around and saw people starting to crowd around us and I was starting to wonder why. What is so exciting about me finding my boyfriend in the middle of the park? I turned back around to see Connor on his knee holding out a box in his hand. This isn’t happening right now. This is not happening right now.

“Amy Farrington, I have been privileged to call you mine for the past eight years, and I can honestly say that I haven’t regretted even a single day in those eight years. I’ve loved you more than I’ve ever loved anyone before. And it feels like I’m asking for something that I’ve already got, because you, we, act like we already are married. We act the part, but now I want that to be a reality. I want to be able to call you mine forever; I want to be able to call you my wife. So what I’m asking you, right now, is: will you marry me?” he said sweetly.

Everything was happening so quickly. Everyone surrounding us was either taking pictures or recording the whole thing. I looked in a complete circle to see so many unfamiliar faces surrounding us but there was one face I was longing to see, that was no longer there. Niall. I looked around once more in the off chance that I missed him, but I didn’t see him. He was gone.

“Amy, sweetie, everyone’s watching… Baby?”

I turned back around to look Connor in the face and smiled at him as I said,“yes, Connor, of course, I will. You have no idea how long I’ve waited for this day to come.”

He slipped the ring onto my finger and immediately picked me up and spun me as I lightly kissed his lips. “I love you Amy.”

“And I love you N- Connor.” I said with a small smile that felt slightly forced.

Someone Like You n.h.Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora