Chapter 7

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** 26 February 2016 **

"Could you help me?" I asked him hoping he would give me an answer that actually made sense.

"Eh yeah, sure. Welcome to Crookhaven." He said with a hint of annoyance in his voice.

Crookhaven? Crookhaven, Ireland. I've never heard of this place, but I mean, I could see why it almost doesn't exist.

"Okay, so I'm in Crookhaven. Now, how do I get out of here? By train or bus or...?"

"Nope. No trains. No buses. There is no mode of transportation out of here." he said.

"Wait, so how am I supposed to get to Dublin?"

"Let me tell you something about Dublin. Dublin is where the worst of the worst that live in this country reside. There are no good people there. Nobody that you could trust. No one at all. I despise Dublin."

"Well that's nice, but I didn't ask for your opinion, umm"


"Niall, I didn't ask for your opinion; I asked for a way to get to Dublin. Do you have a taxi service here in Crookhaven, or do you really have nothing at all?"

He turned around to reach for a business card and handed it over to me.

"Perfect. Thanks."

I pulled out my phone and realized that I hadn't charged it once since I left LA.

"Fuck, 2% really? Of course."

"Uh, Amy is it?" one of the guys said.


"There's a phone back there." he said as he pointed towards the back of the bar.

"Great, thank you."

I dialed the number and waited as the phone began ringing.

"Ello, you've reached the Horan's. How could I be of service?" I heard a male voice say through the phone. I wasn't sure how it was even possible, but the voice on the other side of the line sounded very familiar.

"Hi, I need you to drive me to Dublin."

"Alright, where are you?"

"Uh this bar, umm Crookhaven's, I believe. Strange name for a bar if you ask me, just adding 's after the town name is hardly original, but yeah, that is where I am."

"I know the place; unfortunately, I do not drive American brunettes."

"Wait, what? How do you know I'm American? And how do you know the color of my hair?" I asked as I heard the guys laughing.

What were they laughing at anyway? They couldn't be laughing at me. Could they? I turned around to see that they really were. They were laughing because Niall was being a funny guy and making me call him rather than just telling me that he is basically the town's taxi driver.

"Of course, you're the taxi driver. Well, I need you to drive me to Dub-" I began to say but was cut short since he hung up. I picked up my stuff and walked towards the counter where he stood. "I need you to take me to Dublin. I'll pay you as much as you want."

"I'm sorry, but no. That's not going to happen. I wouldn't drive you to Dublin for just anything. I wouldn't drive you to Dublin." He paused, "600 Euros."

I'm sure he was confident that the price was too high. He was probably certain that I would say no because of the price. I'll say no, but for another reason.

"Fine. I'll just find someone else to take me. Will you guys please tell me where there is a hotel or something? I'll figure this out in the morning."

Niall looked at me like I was slow. It suddenly came to me that I was probably standing in the only hotel this town has. Which probably works out well for these drunken men that can't make it home on their own.

"Right, of course. How did I not figure that out sooner? This is the hotel. Well, I'd like a room please."

"Yeah. Follow me."

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