Chapter 8

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"Right, of course. How did I not figure that out sooner? This is the hotel. Well I'd like a room please."

"Yeah. Follow me."

Perfect, I have a place to stay tonight. I will go out and find someone to drive me to Dublin in the morning. I'm sure that there will be at least one person in this village that would be willing to drive me. It may take a while, but I will find someone.

I followed Niall up the stairs and down the hall. This place may not be five star hotel, but it is cute and it seems cozy. And really it has a room and a bed, which is more than I've seen in the past couple of days, so I really shouldn't be complaining, unless it is terrible. I hope the bed is comfortable, because this will be the first time I stay at a place like this; and I will not be okay with anything less than what I'm used to. Well I'll try to be since this is the only choice I've got, but if it's completely terrible than I'll try to find something better.

We finally stopped walking as we approached a door with the number 13 on it. He opened the door set my carryon bag inside. He reached for the light switch and turned it on before turning to face me.

"There you go. Room 13. Don't touch anything. I mean it, if you need anything come ask me. I probably won't be in a helpful mood, so try not need anything. The bathroom is down the hall. It's the last door to the left. The bath doesn't work and the shower is a bit tricky, but I'm sure you'll figure it out. You've got to flush the toilet at least twice, if not more. I'm not kidding you really do; and I think that should be it. Bye." He said while motioning things to me.

"Okay, umm thanks. I uh, there was a menu on the bar, right? I haven't had anything to eat since this morning."

"The kitchen closed."

"Closed, of course it is. But given the Irish tradition of hospitality and generosity, don't you think you could possibly, maybe, open for me. Please." I said with a hopeful smile.

"I guess so," he said through a sigh as he left the room.

I pulled my phone out to call Connor so that I can let him know that I was in Ireland and should be in Dublin by tomorrow afternoon.

"Shit. It died. I should have expected that to happen. Where's the outlet? Hmm, if I were an outlet where would I be?" I spoke to myself as I looked around the room. I looked behind the bookshelves, cabinets and table. Finally, I got down on the floor and took a look underneath the bed. I figured that the wall alongside the bed was where the outlet would be. And as suspected, I was correct.

I pulled out my charger and attempted to plug it in without moving the bed. I almost reached it, but I couldn't. I had to move the bed over.

I tried my hardest to move the bed but it seems to be stuck on something. I started pushing harder and finally it bugged. Unfortunately, I moved it way too fast and way too hard. It went straight into the bookshelf which then fell over, also knocking over the dresser. Things began falling over onto the floor and the bed. At first, I ignored it. I could just attempt to pick it all up and fix everything before Niall came back; just as soon as I plugged in my phone.

In my hurry, I knew I forgot to pack something. Well, I didn't forget to pack it; I just forgot to move it from my luggage to my carryon. I'm still very upset that the airport misplaced my luggage. They said they would have it at Dublin International Airport by March 1st, but what good is that going to do. I need it now. Oh well, I'm sure nothing will happen if I plug in my charger without the adapter. Besides, the charger fits right in to this one.

As I plugged it in, there was a flicker of the lights. I just ignored it as I pushed the rest of the charger in. There was a sudden spark coming out of the outlet, and almost instantaneously, the lights when out in my room. Wow.

I checked my phone and realized that it was hot. It wouldn't turn on. It just wasn't working. Crap.

"What the fuck did you do? I told you not to touch anything!" Niall yelled as he barged into the room holding a plate with a sandwich.

He handed it to me then grabbed something things from the bed and left. It was really odd that he did that. I wasn't going to touch anything. Okay I was, but I wasn't going to look at it. Even though I kinda already saw it when it fell onto the bed. It was just a couple of picture frames.

"I'm sorry. I was just trying to charge my phone, which by the way is broken now. Thanks a lot, you fried it."

"Who cares about your stupid iPhone," he said indifferently.

"I do. And, by the way, you should check the lights in here. There out. I kinda would like to be able to see. So fix it."

"No, even if I tried, I wouldn't be able to fix it. You may think you only fried your precious little cell phone, but you're mistaken. You've just fried the entire village. Thanks loads. By the way, you're probably going to have to pay for that. There are fees for causing power outages here. And one last thing, why the fuck would you plug in your phone just like that. Don't your American plugs need some adapter shit so that this exact thing doesn't happen." He said before walking out angrily.

Great. Now what do I do?

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