Chapter 21

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"What the fuck is going on?"

"Amy?" Niall said as he reached over a lightly touched my arm.

I flinched at his touch. It was weird because I still felt that excitement similar to when we kissed earlier, but it scared me knowing that it kept happening. I didn't want him to touch me. I didn't want him anywhere near me.

"Amy?" he asked again. The worry evident in his tone and facial expression.

"What?" I said while trying to control my breathing.

"Are you okay?"

"Umm, yeah... I'm fine. I just... had a bit of a nightmare I guess you could say. I... you..."

"Me? What about me?" he asked clearly concerned.

"N- Nothing... I don't want to talk about it... it was nothing."

"But it was something, Amy."

He was right though. It was something, something big at that. I mean, really, I had a dream about marrying Niall! Of all people, Niall, all while Connor was sitting there watching. Why would I have that dream? What does it mean?

"No Niall it was nothing... I'm fine I'll get over it, but why were you... why did you... uh,"

"Gosh Amy, just spit it out!"

"Why the fuck did you, you know, have your arm around me? Why are you even in the same bed as me? I thought you were going to ask for another room and say that we got into a fight and I told you to leave me alone. Why are you here?"



"Well, you did pass out at the dinner table, and I basically had to carry you here and for a long while the others were in here. At one point, they all left and I was going to go, but then they all started coming in again. They said they were only checking in on you and that I hoped they weren't being a bother; and I mean, they were truly worried so I couldn't tell them to leave. And well, at one point, I must have fallen asleep as well. Besides, I was worried about you as well. I may seem like a cynic but I,"

"You are a cynic. I don't think you could ever change that about yourself."

"Don't interrupt me, Amy. I may seem like a cynic, but you," he said in a serious tone as he stopped for a split second while he looked up to look me in the eye. "You make me feel less cynical. And I don't even know how that's possible."

"Oh... Umm, well thank you for uh taking care of me. I uh, I think I need some fresh air," I said as I walked towards the balcony door.

"I can leave now if you want. I'll go sleep on the couch or something." He said.

I was surprised that I didn't tell him to do just that. As much as I knew I wanted him to go away, I couldn't actually let myself do it. I couldn't just let him leave, not after all that he did for me tonight. But he never actually answered my question. Why was his arm around me?

"You know what, its fine. You could stay here, as long as you tell me why you had your arm around me." I think I saw him gulp as I said it.

"I'm not really sure. When I fell asleep, I'm almost certain I was on the edge of the bed, but I guess I just naturally migrated to you." He said with a faint smile.

I found myself smiling at what he said as I nodded and walked out.

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