Chapter 19

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There were some other couples joining us for dinner besides the couple that lived here.  Everyone was obviously older than us, and actually married. There was a couple from Germany, another from Spain, one from the UK and lastly one from Australia, I believe. Why there were so many people staying at an Inn, in the middle of nowhere Ireland, was beyond me. We were only here, because we had no other choice but to be here.

I called Connor just before we began dinner. He seemed upset that I wasn't going to be there tonight. But I told him that I would figure out a way to get there first thing the next morning. He said that it was fine, and that he was just relieved to hear that I was okay. He was worried that I had been kidnapped or something because I was taking so long, but I assured him that I was okay. I also told him not to be alarmed if, for some reason, I don't show up at his door tomorrow. He joked about sending a search party to come find me if I wasn't there by noon; I laughed and told him that if I wasn't there by the 29th that he could send as many search parties as he wants. I told him I loved him and missed him and couldn't wait to see him. He said the same thing and told me to hurry up once again. He also reminded me that he had big news. I wanted so bad to know what he kept going on about, but I knew he wouldn't budge, no matter what I did.

I set the table as I tried figuring out what he was going on about. I smiled at the thought of his face at the moment he said it. It's a face that I've fallen in deep love with. He knows how much I hate surprises, yet he always has them. He's always up to something. And I've figured out when he is, because of that facial expression. I'm not really sure how to explain it, besides he has a cute suspicious smirk placed on his face, but his eyes show pure happiness and love. His eyes smile to me in a way words can't ever explain. It's strange; I mean, I've never seen that in anyone else before. And I love that it's something that I share with only Connor.

Almost on cue, Niall walked in with the food as I finished with the table. I feel as if I'm going to be awkward among all these people. I mean, I'm not used to having dinner with a big group of unknown people. Usually, I'll be having dinner on my own, and if anything with my mum if she's home. Although, most of the time, she doesn't like to have dinner at the dinner table as a family because she says it's not complete. I don't think she's ever going to get over Molly's death, and it scares me a bit. Sometimes, I feel as if she thinks she is still here, like she was never gone. My mum lives in the past for the most part, and I know it's not healthy. And that worries me.

"Hey, are you alright?" Niall asked as he set the food down and the others began walking in.

"Oh umm, yeah. I'm fine, sweetie." I said with a small smile. I thought I was going to have to force a smile, but as soon as I looked up at him to see worry in his eyes and a smile on his face from when I called him sweetie, my smile just came naturally. Somehow, this felt right, but I knew that it was wrong, completely and utterly wrong.

"Good," he said as he kissed my cheek lightly, fully aware of the couples coming in.

My smile grew as I felt his lips linger there for a bit longer than expected. The sensation of his lips against my skin sent a warm tingly feeling throughout my body. It was unexpected, and I had no explanation for it. I enjoyed it, because it was something new, something I had never experienced before. But I wondered why it happened. Why would Niall's lips get such a response from me? Why did my body respond this way to him when it never once did the same with Connor?

I didn't understand it, but I put it aside as we sat down. It was out of the ordinary eating with so many different people. They all had different ideas and beliefs about things. They all were different, but had one thing in common; they all seemed to be madly in love. They talked about each other in ways that you would never imagine. They looked at each other like there was nobody else in the room. They are just what I wish to be in the future.

At one point, they all started talking about marriage and what is necessary to remain happily married. I immediately wanted to hear what they were going to say about these things, but soon enough, everyone just ended up kissing their spouses.

The last couple said that that was what it took for their marriage to last. The kiss.

"Always kiss each other like it's the first and the last time."

Those words itself held so much meaning. They were basically just-

"Alright Nialler, show us old folk how it's done." All of the men said at once. It was quite scary if you ask me.

It finally hit me that they were basically asking us to kiss. Yeah, I don't think so. I doubt Niall would even do it. I mean, really, why would he?

"Eh, what?" He responded almost immediately.

"C'mon kiss her. You're young and in love, anyone with eyes could see that. And besides, you're among friends. Kiss her."

I didn't give Niall the chance to even answer, "No no, we did that earlier. We kissed each other for five minutes straight, so we don't need to do it anymore."

"Kiss her." As they said that Niall leaned into me and kissed my right cheek. And I smiled as I did earlier.

"That was perfect Hun." I said in response to the kiss.

"That was not a kiss! If that was, I'm surprised you two are still together. C'mon kiss. You shouldn't be shy about this."

"Oh but I am; I don't really like public signs of affection." I said.

"Well sweetie, you aren't in public. So kiss him." They said to me, then turned to Niall, "Kiss her."

I thought that we would be sitting here all night with them saying the same thing to us. They basically started chanting it at the top of their lungs. I mean, for old folk, like they put it, they sure don't act like it. They were beginning to act childish like when a group of friends are trying to pressure you into doing something that you never wanted to, or like when you're at a bar doing a drinking challenge for free drinks; yeah, that was them just now.

Finally, I assume Niall was irritated by their chanting and he leaned into me again. I was facing away from him so he placed his hands on both sides of my face and turned me towards him. There was still some space between us for a slit second. He looked right into my eyes before his lips touched mine. Then his eyes shut closed as I was left unsure of what to do. The kiss started off slow, kind of like he was scared to see what I would do. I finally closed my eyes and kissed him back. I felt a faint smile through the kiss. His lips were soft and molded perfectly into mine. They moved in sync. And once again, he managed to shoot a stream of excitement through me. It just felt so right.

As we pulled away, I realized that kissing Niall wasn't too great of an idea, because now I was left with the thoughts about what that even meant. He smiled when I kissed him back as if he was relieved.

We kind of just sat back awkwardly trying not to make eye contact with anyone. Well, I, for one, was trying not to make eye contact with anyone, especially not Niall. 

"So that's what it's like to be young and in love; remember once upon a time we used to be like that," was the last thing I heard before passing out. 

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