Chapter 23

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** 28 February 2016 **

"Good morning," I said to the only two people in the room, Niall and the man from the station.

"Morning," They both said almost in sync.

"How are you feeling?" he said as Niall got up and walked towards the kitchen.

I stood before the table not wanting to sit down just yet because I still needed to go get my food. I was extremely hungry, so much that it would seem like I haven't eaten for ages.

"Uh, I'm fine. Thanks for asking. I don't really know what happened; I've never fainted like before in my life. At least, I don't think I have."

"Well that's class. You sure gave us a scare, but Niall assured us you'd be fine; even though he seemed to be the one that was most scared. I would be too if that were me wife. You could tell then and there how much he really does love you." he said as I began processing what he said.

Since we've been here everyone keeps mentioning that they could see how much we love each other, but little do they know that Niall and I are actually nothing but friends, if I could even call us friends. Maybe we're nothing more than acquaintances.

"You know, the second you fell over to the ground; he was down on his knees trying to figure out a way to help you. It was obvious that he was freaking out. He immediately picked you up and carried you up to your room, and he took care of you. We would all go in there to check on you, but he seemed to have everything under control. I don't know if you've realized the way he watches you sleep. It looks like he's falling even more in love with you by the second. And that's something you really need to cherish. Take good care of him, will ya?" he said with a smile as he talked about Niall.

I only just nodded not really knowing what to say after what he just said. Had Niall really done all that?

"Hey, you know, you could sit down right?" he spoke again after I hadn't said anything. I didn't mean to be rude by not answering; really, I didn't. I opened my mouth many times to say something, but nothing came out each and every time. I couldn't quite figure it out.

"Oh yeah, I uh, I was going to go get my food first." I said and as if on cue Niall walked in with a tray holding a plate full of food and a cup of coffee.

"There's no need for that. Your husband's obviously got it, take a seat will ya?" he said again.

I nodded as I turned towards Niall, "is that for me?"

"Yeah, sure." Niall responded almost as if he was trying to play it off that he didn't just bring me food. I'm sure he only did it because he's playing the part of a loving husband.

He placed the tray down before me and I sat down excited to finally eat. The food looked delicious and I was getting hungrier just staring at it. Right before I sat down I leaned into Niall and kissed his cheek. It was something that just happened. I didn't really even know I was doing it until I had my lips on his face. It felt so natural and unforced. "Thank you" I muttered quietly to him.

He had an award winning smile on his face as he sat back down across from me. I looked down at my food and smiled as well as I began to eat.

"So lovebirds, what's the plan for the day?"

"Oh, we're leaving for Dublin today." I said before placing another mouthful of food into my mouth.

"No, you can't go to Dublin today." He said quickly.

 "And why not?"

"There are no trains to Dublin today, not until tomorrow. All the trains leaving today are going off to Limerick and other cities the opposite way from Dublin." He explained.

"Great, just great. I've got to be in Dublin by the 29th, which happens to be tomorrow. What am I supposed to do now?"

"And why is that again, sweetheart?" Niall asked being the smartass he is. I glared at him and he raised his hands in defense.

"Well, there's a bus station in the next town over. They should have a bus to Dublin today. You'll be there in no time really."

"Oh," I said clearly disappointed. "Wait, you must have a car, right?"

"Uh yes," he said.

"Great! I would pay you a good amount of money if you drove us to Dublin."

"No," he said flatly.

"No? Why not?"

"Well, first of all, it's not all about money around here. Second of all, I couldn't drive you even if I wanted to. I've got to get to work in thirty minutes and my wife has the car."

"Well when she comes back?"

"No, she's not coming back any time soon. It's a long drive to Dublin, and she's going to be there for church, some shopping she swears is necessary, and she's probably going to be doing countless other things."

"Fucking shit,"  I said certainly upset that I wouldn't be able to get to Dublin with his help.

"I'm sorry, where is she? Oh, and I apologize for my wife's potty mouth." Niall spoke almost at the same time as me.

"She's in Dublin. I'm sorry we couldn't be much help; I've got to get going now. It was great meeting you guys and good luck in getting to Dublin."

"Thank you!" Niall and I responded as he turned towards me.

I didn't give him the chance to speak as I got up and walked over to the kitchen. I washed up my dirty dishes and walked away.

Niall didn't seem to get that I didn't want to be bothered by him at the moment. He followed closely behind me. He kept repeating my name in hopes that I would turn around and talk to him, but I didn't plan on doing that. As tempting as it was, I wasn't going to talk to him.

As I reached for the door handle of the room, he grabbed onto my arm. He pulled me over to the wall adjacent to the door and pushed me against it.

"Do not walk away from me when I'm trying to talk to you!" he growled towards me. It was a bit frightening seeing as though I've never seen this side of him, not even when I nearly destroyed the room I was staying at in his inn.

I tried pushing him away, but was unsuccessful. He pinned my hands up above my head with only one hand while he had the other one on the wall beside my head. He was standing dangerously close and I had no idea what to expect. I didn't know what was going to happen and that scared the shit out of me. I don't like surprises and this is definitely not something I want to be going through right now.

I have no idea what would have happened if the Spanish couple hadn't come out and stood before us asking if they were interrupting something. I immediately said no and ran into the room the second Niall was distracted. I grabbed my things and began walking out without waiting for him to gather his things.

** ** **

Author's Note: Aha so I realized that I never gave these people names, so basically you could name them what you'd like cause I don't see the point in naming them now, since this is probably the last chapter they will be in.

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