Chapter 11

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Its crazy how things have changed. Back home, everyone was telling me to go to Dublin. Everyone was telling me to follow my boyfriend half way around the world. Well now that I’m here, on the other side of the world, everyone seems to be telling me that I shouldn’t go to Dublin. Everyone here has something bad to say about it or just want me to stay another day. I spent a whole 15 minutes talking to the guys from Niall’s bar. They were telling me how it’s bad luck for x amount of reasons. And I was just so sick and tired of it. Everyone seems to be telling me to stay away from Dublin until after the 29th, but that just isn’t going to work for me. Not at all.

Niall and I have honestly been arguing about everything. There is never once that we see eye to eye. We always have different opinions on many things, and really, it’s annoying. I just want him, for once, to say something that I agree with.

I’ve been really tired of his music. He only has one thing playing and I have no idea what it even is. The Eagles I think he said. I understand you like the band, but that doesn’t mean you have to keep playing the same thing over and over again. I mean, I understand that his car doesn’t have a functioning radio, but he could still have a nice collection of CDS considering that’s all he can actually play in this piece of shit car.

I got so annoyed with the CD, that at one point, I took it out and threw it out the fucking window. He got so mad saying that nobody is allowed to touch his music. Nobody. I don’t know what his problem is. I mean, it’s not like I broke the thing. I merely did it to annoy him. He yelled at me and I don’t think he knows but I heard him call me a bitch. I mean, whatever I don’t mind cause I know I’m acting like one but doesn’t mean he has to call me one out loud. He can think it all he wants but he can’t say it like it’s no big deal.

We’ve stopped far too many times. Many of which was because of countless animals crossing the road or simply just standing in the road. I’ve gotten down multiple times to try to move them out of the way. Each time Niall would crack a joke about how I speak fluent cow or fluent sheep or fluent whatever the fuck got in the way. I would give him a fake laugh each and every time, even though inside I really was cracking up. He’s pretty funny, but I didn’t want him to know that I thought he was, so I faked a laugh instead. Why give him the satisfaction of a good time when he’s done nothing of the sort for me?

We’ve stopped countless other times so that Niall could get food. I’ve come to the realization that he can eat nonstop for days. He just never gets full. It doesn’t make any sense. He also seems to pull out random snacks from nowhere it seems. He’ll be driving and then I look away and when I look again he’ll be eating an apple or something else. And then I’m stuck like, what the fuck? Where did that come from? Why hasn’t he offered me one? Because he hasn’t offered me anything that he’s pulled out for himself. I mean, its common courtesy to offer to your guests, right? But I guess to Niall, common courtesy doesn’t exist, or so it seems like it.

You know, we’ve been on the road for about three hours and we haven’t gotten far. We’ve stopped too many times to even get passed the next town.  And up to this point, Niall hadn’t even asked me about why I was going to Dublin. He hadn’t questioned me about my life or anything. We haven’t talked about anything that has relevance. We really haven’t talked at all besides the arguing we’ve done about stopping so much and things of that nature.

“You know, if you actually kept driving without stopping, then maybe we could actually get to Dublin before nightfall. Maybe I could get there on time to do some shopping and actually get something to eat, since you seem to get out of the car so many times, come back with food and not have anything for me. “

“Well I’m fucking sorry that I don’t share my food and you don’t seem to be able to ask for something when I stop. Maybe if you had asked, I would have brought you something. And is that really the reason you’ve been bugging me to drive you to Dublin, to shop? That is such a complete waste of my time.”

“I’ll have you know that I don’t need to be in Dublin to shop. I mean,  it’s something I’m going to do when I get there, but the reason for me to be going isn’t that. My boyfriend is in Dublin, so that’s why I’m trying to get there!”

“Oh gosh, don’t tell me your ‘boyfriend,’ who by the way doesn’t seem to have a name, is in Dublin and you flew all this way to see him. Did you meet him on the internet last week or something cause I’m sure he hasn’t met you in person, he would have ran the second he could.”

“Shut up. His name is Connor and actually we met many years ago. And we’ve been dating for eight years now. Okay he lives in Los Angeles, and his father is my dad’s business partner. They own a company together that we both work for. We’re meant to be together. And I resent you saying that he would have ran the second he could, he’s been there my entire life. He’s been there for everything. He’s my best friend, and honestlym I don’t think you should be talking. You don’t know anything about me. You can’t say something like that without knowing something besides my first name.”

“You're right, I don’t know anything about you, but that’s not going to stop me from speaking my mind. Why did you follow him out here anyway? I’m sure he was trying to get away from your controlling arse. I’ve been around you for only just a day and I already want to get rid of you; what makes you think that that isn’t exactly what he wanted. What if he wanted to have peace for a couple of days, and now you’ve flown over here and ruined the only chance he’s got to do just that?”

Why the fuck is he saying such hurtful things? He really doesn’t know anything about me.

“That’s a lie because I called him this morning and he was excited about seeing me. He’s been gone for three weeks and that’s the most time we’ve been apart since we have been five, so I’m sorry that I miss my boyfriend and want to go see him. Connor and I have been inseparable since before we even started dating so this isn’t really that easy for me.”

“Okay so you’re going to Dublin because you can’t go another day without seeing him? How pathetic.”

“It’s not pathetic. I’ve got something important that I need to do, and well it has to be done on the 29th. So since he’s here, I had to come over here.”

“Oh and what’s so important that you couldn’t just wait for him to come back?”

“Well if you must know, there is an Irish tradition that allows a woman to propose to a man on a Leap Year, so that’s exactly what I’m doing.”

“Really?” He asked with an amused tone.

“Yes, and I mean, I thought he was going to propose before he left, but he didn’t and I just I can’t wait any longer for reasons that I’d rather not discuss with you. So I’m going to propose to him. And that’s why I’ve got to be in Dublin. That’s why I flew all the way over here.”

“Yeah?” He asked with a growing smile.


“Well guess what? That’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard, and I’ve heard some pretty stupid things working at a bar with drunk people all the time.”

“It is not stupid, its romantic. It’s a very romantic Irish tradition.”

“No, it’s stupid. It’s a day where desperate women such as yourself trap a man into a marriage that they obviously don’t want in the first place. If he did, then he would have proposed already, but he hasn’t.”

“He wants this. We’ve spoken about it before, but he just hasn’t done it yet. He wants to be married. He wants a life with me. He wants it all and more with me, but he’s waiting for the ‘right time.’ However, I think he’s taking too long. The right time is now. I mean, I know I’m only 21, but I’m ready to get married already. And honestly, that’s none of your business. I’m paying you to drive me to Dublin, not to talk about my marital status. ”

“Yeah whatever, fine by me. Just one last thing, you know, there are two types of people in this world. There are realists, and there are romantics.”

“And I’m a realist," I said confidently.

“No, you are a romantic. You’re a hopeless romantic.”

“I’m not.”

“Yes, you are.” He said extremely sure of himself.

“Right, whatever. Now, leave me alone and drive.” 

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