Chapter 18

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This has been such an awkward time. Since I've walked into this house, or I guess I should say inn, I've had to pretend that I was married to Niall.

I even made a big fool of myself by saying my last name as he said his, when the train station worker's wife asked for our names. I had to make up this stupid thing about how I couldn't change my last name because of work, so I just added his name in and that I was eventually going to change it to just Horan instead of Farrington- Horan. Because, believe it or not, that just sounds ridiculous and I don't know.

Niall said it was some kind of stupid American thing and that we weren't married long, so I would sometimes forget that it was now part of my last name.

These people are really very religious, it kinda scares me. I'm not sure why though. I mean, I would understand if maybe they were crazy psychopaths, but they aren't, so I really don't see why it scares me. They seem like a lovely couple who seem to be in deep love with each other. So really, I have nothing to worry about. You know that's the crazy thing, they look at each other in a way that I only hope Connor and I will look at each other in the years ahead.

Speaking of Connor, I've been meaning to call him. I'm sure he's expecting me in Dublin any time now, but I guess I should tell him I'll be there sometime tomorrow. Really, it seems like something is keeping me from actually getting there. Something is keeping me away. But I won't have it. I want to see Connor now, so I am going to get there as quickly as I possibly could. Trust me, I will be on the first train out of here tomorrow morning.

Niall offered to cook dinner tonight seeing as though they were planning on making some nasty food. I'm not really sure what the meal was called, but I know it sounded gross. And I mean, it must have been since Niall immediately offered to cook without letting me repeat what she had said. But then again, he may just have been being nice.

All I know is that he offered, and now I have to help "my loving husband." Gosh, if they only knew how much I hate him. Well not hate, hate is such a strong word. If they only knew how much I disliked him.

It's weird having to pretend that we like each other. It kinda feels like we aren't even pretending though. Some things just come so naturally. Other things have been a bit more difficult, but we've managed to make it all believable, which is all we really need, right?

I have no idea what Niall is even going to make. All I know is that he gave me a list of vegetables and told me to pick them. So here I am in the garden getting some veggies. It's quite annoying, because obviously, I've never actually had to go pick my own vegetables. In the times that I've actually gotten them myself, I've only seen perfect organic vegetables at the store. Now that I'm actually doing the work myself, I want to find the perfect ones as well.

Niall keeps looking over at me and his facial expression isn't one that you'd want to see often. He looks annoyed beyond reason and kinda angry even. I'm not even sure why. I mean, maybe, he doesn't like having to do all this work as well.

"What are you doing? You haven't even collected half of the things on that list!" he said.

"Well I'm sorry. Those are kinda like really ugly, and not perfect at all, so I don't want to pick them. I want nicer ones."

"Seriously? Its food. We're going to clean them, and then cook them, only to eat them. Why on earth would you want them to be perfect? As long as they aren't rotten, they should be fine."

"Well I'm sorry; I like things to be perfect."

"Maybe you should get out of the little cloud of sugar plums that's in your head and take a spoonful of reality! Life isn't perfect, so why don't you stop trying to make it perfect and just go with it. Just do what you can to get by rather than wishing for perfection because, trust me sweetie, you aren't getting it. And you're only destined for disappointment, if that's what you longing for."

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