Chapter 24

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I walked out the front door and I began going down the road. I didn't once turn back. I hadn't heard Niall either, so that was good. I just really need to get away from him.

I really miss Connor. I just want to see him already. I don't want to have to deal with seeing Niall anymore. The longer I'm with him, the more confused I grow. Honestly, what is his deal? Why did he do that just now? I mean, he didn't have to push me against the wall and get so close to me. If I didn't know any better, I would think that he was going to kiss me at that moment. My mind keeps wondering what would have really happened they hadn't walked out and interrupted him.  Would I have stopped him, or would I have kissed him back? The sad thing about that question is that I don't know the answer to it. I know I want to answer it as I would definitely have stopped him, but something tells me that I wouldn't have. I would have just let the moment take over and kissed him back, although it would have been disastrous at the end.

Honestly, I wish I hadn't met Niall. I wish I hadn't been stuck in bad weather. If I hadn't been, then I wouldn't be here right now. I wouldn't be thinking this. I wouldn't be in the situation I am in now. I wouldn't have met Niall. I would have been in Dublin. I would have been with Connor. I would be happy and getting ready to get engaged tomorrow. But I'm stuck here, trying to find a way to get to Connor, trying to find a way to explain this all to him. How am I supposed to tell my boyfriend, or should I say future fiancé that I kissed Niall? How am I supposed to tell him that? Seriously, how? I know the simplest answer would be not to tell him, but I can't not tell him. I can't pretend like it never happened. Connor is my best friend. 

He is my everything; and up to this point, we have always made it an important factor in our relationship to always be truthful with each other. We promised to always be honest no matter how much it could potentially hurt the other person or the relationship. We would tell the truth and fix the problems as we go along. I've known him for the entirety of my life so he knows just about everything about me, everything that's happened and everything that I've done. He knows it all, because up to this point, I've been able to be honest with him. 

However, right now, I'm terrified that he won't stick around like he always does. What if he gets so hurt and leaves just like he did in my dream. I don't want that to happen so I need to figure out a way to tell him where it won't look like I'm leaving something out. Does that make sense? Cause I really feel like if I tell him the truth just as is I had to kiss him because they thought he was my husband doesn't sound to convincing to me, even though that's the whole truth.

"Amy! Hello earth to Amy!" Niall yelled from behind me.

"What the fuck do you want, Niall? Leave me alone!"

"Where are you going?" he asked

"To the fucking bus station, where else would I be going?"

"Well I don't know where you're going, but you aren't going to the bus station, that's for sure."

"What do you mean? Of course I am. And you can't stop me."

"I could stop you if I wanted to, but I don't... And to answer your question, you aren't going to the bus station, because the bus station is this way." He pointed behind him. 

"But of course it is... I would be going the wrong fucking way." I mumbled to myself as I turned around and walked past Niall.

I kept my distance from him. I didn't want to have to talk to him if it wasn't absolutely necessary. I mean, I know I'm not going to go through with this whole no talking to him thing, but I will keep it up for as long as possible.

I got lost in my own thoughts again as I walked down the pathway. It was strangely clear when I walked out earlier, but now it's not so much. I completely ignored the sky and focused on the road instead. I noticed all of the details in everything that aligned the pathway we were currently walking on. The flowers on the sides were beautiful and everything seemed to be in place. It was very nice compared to the sidewalks in the streets of Downtown LA. I live in Brentwood, so the streets aren't too bad there, but still compared to this pathway, the sidewalks in Brentwood are nothing.

I continued walking in admiration, but suddenly, I felt something hit the back of my head. I turned around to find Niall looking like he didn't do anything. I ignored it and continued walking until I felt something hit the back of my neck and head. I turned around once more and still Niall looked like he had no idea what was going on, but I wasn't buying it.

"Would you stop?" I yelled at him.

"Stop what?"

"Stop throwing things at me, you big jerk..." I said as I felt something hit my head again. This time I was looking at him, so it couldn't have been him

"Hail storm! Fuck, c'mon... Run!"

"Ah" I shrieked as we ran up the stairs to a building. We had no idea which building we were headed to, but soon found out that it was to a church. Someone was getting married! How fun! I love weddings, so I hope they don't mind me staying for the ceremony as the storm passes. 

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