Chapter 26

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I knew that going to dance with Niall was a bad idea. And yet, I still went out there and did it.

Biggest mistake of my life. Okay, well maybe not the biggest mistake, but it's up there.

Almost immediately after I stepped onto the dance floor, I tripped and fell knocking over one of the waiters with me. Unfortunately for me, it was one of the waiters holding wine, red wine to be exact. And well, the tray fell over as well knocking over all of the contents, mostly to the ground. However, a good amount of it fell on two important people. That's right, the bride and the groom. I ruined her dress, and I couldn't even speak.

I mumbled a sorry and then I ran off. I've been walking along the beach for the past hour and a half, I believe, I'm not really sure, but it seems like it's been that long.

I figured it wouldn't hurt to have a drink or two. But I guess by now I've had more than just two. I think I've come to the conclusion that liquor is my new best friend. Fuck, the Irish are so smart. Drink your night away! Woo.

Well, I think I need to take a short break from walking. I'm just going to sit out here in the beach like a weirdo. It's late. It's dark. I wouldn't even know if anyone were coming, I can't see a thing. If I were out here any other day, I would be a bit terrified, but seeing as though I've had too much to drink, my mind is not processing the dangers of being out here on my own. I'm sure I'm going to be just fine. Someone must care enough to take care of me, even if it is from a distance.

Niall Horan:

"And I thought I was bad at weddings," I said out load but mostly to myself after I saw Amy fall face first, taking the waiter down with her. That must have been embarrassing for her. She nearly knocked over many other things and people as she ran away.

I have no idea where she must have gone. I thought I saw her stop at the bar, but when I reached it, I didn't see her. The bartender asked if I wanted another drink, but I decided I was done for tonight. I asked for a water bottle and when the bartender returned with it, I asked if he happened to see where Amy headed. All he told me was that she asked for the remainder of the bottle of, surprisingly, Jack Daniels and ran off in the direction that leads to the beach.

She must be thinking that the bride is pissed beyond reason, and is just about ready to eat her head off, but she isn't. She's actually laughing about it. She said she wants to let her know that it was alright. She even came to ask me where she was, but how would I know exactly where she is.

At first, I didn't go look for her, because I knew she would obviously want to be alone. Then I remembered she was American, and not just any American, but one that liked to talk about their feelings and crap. Once the bride came and told me that her brother would be leaving soon, seeing as though he was giving us a ride, I decided it would be best to go find her.

I walked over towards the beach and started walking down the pathway, kicking the sand as I did. It wasn't long before I came across a figure in the distance. As I got closer, I realized that it was indeed Amy. She was sitting on the floor looking very, well, very terrible. She looked like she was about ready to pass out again. She hadn't looked up to see who was nearing her, but by the looks of it, she wasn't going to check anyway.

"Whoever it is, whoever you are... Just go away." She said quieter than I think she intended. Unfortunately for her, I wasn't going to listen. I wasn't going to leave her here like this.

"No Amy, get up. We got to go. Our ride is leaving in thirty minutes, with or without us. And I don't really care if we get left behind, but I'm sure you want to get to Dublin by tomorrow, so get up and let's go."

"I can't get up even if I tried to." she said as she drunkenly tried getting up, but it was obvious she had a minimal amount of control. I walked over to her and helped her up, but she immediately pushed me away.

"I don't want to go back over there. The bride is going to hate me you know. I ruined her wedding. She's," she spoke quickly.

"She's not upset Amy. She said she wants to talk to you to tell you that herself. Besides, you didn't ruin the stupid wedding. They're still in there as in love as they were before you ran out. They hardly even paid any attention to the ruined dress or injured waiter. They're actually more worried about you. But the wedding isn't ruined. Well for them, at least. I still think it's stupid and unpleasant to be at, so the quicker we leave the better things will be for everyone."

"What is your problem? Seriously? Why do you have a problem with love? I think I figured you out... You know, I'm pretty sure you're only just a cynic on the outside. See, inside, you're just like me. There's a hopeless romantic in there wanting out. I know it. I know your cynical self is only a cover up for you. But deep inside, you want out. I know you do. You're only just hurt, and well someone needs to save you. You only need someone to heal you. Someone to love you once again. And I think I know just where that person is," she said as she slowly, but surely, made her way over to me.

She was nearly an inch away from my face when she suddenly stopped talking. I swear, at that moment, I saw a spark in her eye. She was up to something. It seemed as though she was about to kiss me. And I know that must be the effect of the alcohol, but for some reason, I found myself wanting her to kiss me.

I don't know why, but I wanted to kiss her. That other time, I swear, I felt something; something that I've never felt before and I kinda wanted to see if it would happen again. She was taking a bit long so I moved a bit closer to her. Right before I was about to plant my lips to hers, she fell to her feet and just vomited all over the place, including my new trainers.

Well, now I know for certain that it's time to go. I picked her up and walked back to the party. Someone helped me clean my shoes as they gave me something else to clean her up a bit, and we headed off.

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