Chapter 2

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My dad was away at a business meeting for the week, so it was only just my mom and I for the time being. My parents are both of Irish decent, so I guess that makes me of Irish decent as well.

My parents were definitely in love when they got married. It makes me laugh though because they're so weird. My dad is almost literally 20 years older than my mum. For 20 years he was alive while she wasn't. Weird right? But I guess love is love. And the saying does go love knows no age, i think. I don't even know all I know is that it's something along those lines.

So yes, my parents met like twenty-sevenish years ago, when my mum was eighteen, at a bar, while they were both in Ireland. My mom was just there for a visit with her family, while my dad was out for one last night before moving to Los Angeles to start his business here. They didn't give each other much information about themselves that day. I mean, they really didn't. My mom didn't even tell him her name; she said that if by any chance they meet again, he will get an answer. She said that she honestly didn't think she would ever see him again, but little did she know that she was wrong. They coincidently ran into each other at a small coffee shop here in LA. And when I say ran into each other, I mean ran into each other, literally. My father walked into my mom and she spilled her coffee all over the place landing on her brand new dress. She always told me how mad she was because "some idiot" ruined her new sundress. She says it was the most beautiful looking dress the city had ever seen. And so basically, she started yelling at him, but stopped immediately after she looked up and saw my dad standing there saying, "sorry love, but I do believe you owe me an answer now."

They dated for about a year and a half, got married, then had my older sister, Molly, named after my mom. They had me about three years later. And well, my sister died when I was thirteen. She overdosed on some pills, or something of that nature. I'm not really so sure. My mom never tells me these things. I can't get her to tell me anything. I can't even get her to say one word about her. She was my mom's pride and joy, and I was always the number two girl. "Whose mummy's favorite girl?" Molly. "Whose mummy's number one artist/ singer/ dancer/ blah blah blah...?" Molly! Always Molly. Never once have I heard my mom say something like that to me. To her, I'm nothing compared to Molly; and I think part of the reason that Molly committed suicide was because she had been under too much pressure.

I do remember talking to her about me the day before she OD.


"I don't want you to ever think that you're not good enough to be a part of this family. You are. You are an amazing person, and I'm proud to have you as a younger sister. I want you to remember that I have always ,and will always love you, and that you are, and will always be, my very best friend, my sister. And I know mum makes it seem like you're not good enough, but you are. You are the bestest. And I want you to always remember that." She said to me with a sad look on her face.

"Molly? What's going on? Why are you telling me all of this?" I questioned her, but never got an answer.

"You have to promise me that you will never forget that. You have to promise me that you will never let anyone bring you down, or talk badly about you, or anyone you care about. You have to promise me that you will always take care of yourself and the life we have to live so perfectly. I'm not doing so well at it, but you, you are. Keep doing exactly what you are doing. And remember, even if you don't ever hear the words leave mum's mouth, she's proud of you. And she loves you. I love you." she said.

"I love you too, and I promise you I will, but why are you telling me all of this?"

"Good night Amy." She said as she walked out of my room for what I didn't know would be the last time.

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