Chapter 10

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"Alright let's do it." I heard Niall as he abruptly swung the door open, "but only cause you're desperate."


"And, definitely not because I want to."

It took me about two seconds to realize what was happening. Those two seconds felt like two hours though. I couldn't move, because I was in shock that Niall barged in and that he said let's do it. Let's do what? I hope he doesn't mean have sex ,because frankly, I don't know him and that's just out of the picture. I was sure he didn't see me earlier, but what if he did and now wants me. Like what if he hasn't had any action in a long time and finally a beautiful young girl walks through the door. And I'm standing here before him, naked.

As I realized that I was naked, I quickly grabbed my robe and did my best to cover up. There he stood with an apathetic look on his face. He looked almost unimpressed, like he'd seen better. But that's obviously not possible.

Then another thought popped into my head. He called me desperate. If he thinks I'm desperate to have sex with him, then he's wrong. That is the last thing I want to do. I mean, really, I would rather die than have sex with him.

"What the actual fuck Niall? Get out!" I yelled hoping he would get the hint.

"Let's do it."

"Oh my gosh, do what? Would you just leave? I'm kind of naked here. I'm not that kind of girl; and for your information, I'm not desperate. I've got a boyfriend to take care of that." I said quickly hoping he would leave.

He only just laughed. I'll admit he has a beautiful, but very loud, laugh. I'm sure everyone in the village heard it. "Wow. Didn't mean it like that, but obviously, if you thought that, then you must want to. Anyway, I'll drive you to Dublin. 600 euro like you said."

"Ugh, just get out!"

"You know a simple yes or no will do. If I leave, and you don't say yes, then I won't drive you. It's up to you, so bye." He said as he finally started walking out the door.

"Fine, you can drive me to Dublin. Now get out!"

"Okay be outside in 15 minutes."

Great; now I don't have to worry about finding a ride to Dublin anymore. I put the robe on the bed and continued picking out my clothes.

Suddenly the door swung open again, "and by the way it's 150 for the room and damages you caused. That's a total of 800 euro. I will be waiting outside."

"Okay! Fine! I'm naked here. I kinda need to change. Get out!"

"Yes, I see that. You should wear that black lace set there. I'm sure your boyfriend has enjoyed it just as much as I will," he only laughed as my eyes began to widen. "Just kidding. I'll be outside." He said as he walked out the door once more.

What the fuck was that all about? I haven't brought down the robe because I feel as if he is going to barge in again. I'm not sure why he keeps doing it. I mean, he seemed uninterested, but I'm sure he enjoyed seeing me naked and catching me off guard. He's a bit strange.

I quickly got dressed and ready to leave in the short amount of time that Niall gave me. I packed my stuff and headed out.

I looked around for the taxi cab but saw nothing. I was starting to think that Niall had lied to me about driving me. I was about to march back inside and tear the place inside out until I found him but then I heard a car horn.

I looked from left to right but only saw a small blue car. I knew that it couldn't be the taxi, so I ignored it. It wasn't until I saw Niall get out of the car that I began walking towards it.

"Are you coming or not? Cause I've got things to do if you don't want me to drive you."

"No, I'm coming. But this isn't the taxi, is it? I mean, this is barely even a car. It doesn't even look like it has any airbags, or functioning seat belts for that matter."

"Hey hey, the seat belts work fine. And airbags are unnecessary; I'm an excellent driver. You'll survive. Besides, this car here is a classic, so there will be no problems with it. None at all."

"Fine, whatever. Could you open the trunk? I have to put my bag in."

"Yeah hold on." He said as he walked over to the back of the car. I handed him my bag.

"Thank you. Wait, what are you doing? Be careful with that would you. Its brand new; and it was a gift from my boyfriend." I said frantically as he began hitting it against the floor trying to get it to close.

"He bought you a suitcase? That's bizarre. Why would he buy you a suitcase? That's not a gift I think a boyfriend should be giving. Unless, that was his way of saying 'pack your bags and get out of my life,' because in that case, it would make complete sense for him to give you luggage."

"No, that's his way of saying that we're going to travel together soon; and I kind of needed new ones. I have last season's luggage set so he bought me the new ones."

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"It's a Vuitton." I said, but he only looked at me like I was crazy.

"A what?"

"A Vuitton, a Louis Vuitton."

"Seriously?" he asked, but I only just nodded and got into the car.

"Louis? Is that really you Louis? It's so great to see you; let me help you get into the car Louis," he said in sarcasm. "She's fucking crazy. She named her suitcase. Who the fuck does that? And why name it Louis? Shit, why did I agree to take this crazy person to Dublin?" I heard him say to himself as he closed the door and came around to the other side. 

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