Chapter 27

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Niall Horan:

We arrived at the bus station in good time; unfortunately, the station was already closed. It had slipped my mind that some stations close early on Sunday. Many places don't even open.

I found an empty bench near the entrance and placed Amy's bag there. I went back to the car and picked her up from the back seat. She was passed out, which I expected to happen. She really did have a lot to drink. I think it was even more than I did, which is different. Most people don't drink nearly as much as I do.

Somehow, I managed to take off my jacket and make a pillow for her, all while sitting down and laying her across the bench. It was really interesting to watch her sleep. She moves a lot. I have to keep an arm around her because, otherwise, she'd fall right off. I didn't want that to happen, so I held onto her tightly.

It's not like I mind holding onto her. It brings me some sort of happiness and comfort when I hold her close to me. I'm not sure if it's because I'm falling for her, or if it's because I've missed the feeling of having someone this close to me.

I have been alone for four years now. So it might just be that I miss having someone this close to me. I miss the feeling of being with someone. But that's the thing, I don't want to have someone this close to me. Not after what I've been through in the past. I don't think I'm ready to be in a relationship again; I don't even think I'll ever be in a relationship again.

I don't want just another girl. I want the girl. I want my girl. I don't want a pointless relationship with someone, if they aren't going to be in it for the long run. Honestly, what's the point in doing that? I think people get into relationships way too fast, and way too often, because they're terrified of being alone. But I'd rather be alone than be with someone I shouldn't be with.

The thing about the society in which we live in today is that being single is so unaccepted. People expect you to be in a relationship, whether it be a serious monogamous relationship, or the sort of relationship that only requires a sexual connection. And don't get me wrong I want that, I do, but not with just anyone. I want it with the person I am meant to be with. And even if that means waiting for a lifetime, I will because I believe that being single doesn't mean that you're weak, it means that you're strong enough to wait for what you deserve. And I know it may seem like I don't care about love and anything that's associated with it, but I do. Amy is most likely never going to see that. I'm sure she will always see me as a cynic trying to end all love in the world.

I wasn't lying when I said she made me less cynical. She does make me feel like there is hope. She makes me feel different than anyone else I've come across in the past years.

I'm terrified about the possibility of falling in love with her. I feel it coming and I don't want it to. I don't want to fall in love with her. It's a lost cause. Sure, we've come a long way since we left Crookhaven a couple days ago, but regardless of what we've been through, she's still on her way to Dublin to get engaged. Nothing is going to change that. Nothing.

I got lost in my thoughts and slowly drifted off into a deep sleep. I awoke the next morning to an empty bench and the sound of the bus leaving. I turned to see it down the road turning the corner. I wouldn't be able to catch it even if I tried.

I don't even know why I'm so upset, honestly, she's gone. But I thought she would keep her word. She left without paying me. I need that money. I wouldn't be here if I didn't. I don't want to lose my pub, because that is literally the last thing I have that is mine.

**29 February 2016**

Amy Farrington:

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