Chapter 17

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I took in my surroundings. I figured that if Niall is going to start being a jackass again, then I could at least ignore him and pay attention to the reason I actually came up here in the first place. The castle.

It is incredibly beautiful. I have absolutely no words to describe it.

Seeing it makes me want to know a little bit more about it. But the thing about wanting to know more is that there obviously has to be someone to tell me more. And well the only one here that I guess would be able to do that is Niall.

“So, uh… what happened here? What’s its story?”

“I thought you were done talking to me.”

“I was, but now, I’m not.”

"Of course, because I'm impossible to resist," he said as I rolled my eyes at him. “Well there was this girl, I would say she was about our age and she was…” he began explaining, but I cut him off almost immediately.

“Wait a second, this isn’t like some Irish version of Romeo and Juliet is it? Cause if it is, then just stop talking. I already know what is going to happen: boy meets girl, they fall in love, they aren’t supposed to be together but are going to defy everyone for their love, and then they die.”

“Well, it kinda is similar, but not really, I don’t know. Do you want me to tell you or not?” He asked.

“Umm, yes, I want you to tell me.” I said after thinking about it for a while. 

“Okay, so this girl, she was about our age, I think just turning 20. She was arranged to be wed by her parents. They couldn’t have chosen a worse time for this, or even a worse person for this. You know, they chose a man that was old enough to be her father, maybe even old enough to be her grandfather. And well, you could easily say that she didn’t like him one bit.”

“Oh gosh, that’s terrible. If my parents ever did that to me, I would kill them. Literally. What would we even talk about? Nothing. And I could only imagine what sex would be like with them. I mean, sure they would most likely know what they are doing and all, but that would just be gross. Eww. I can’t even imagine that. Eww eww eww. It would be all old and wrinkly and eww, just eww.”

“Okay, yeah I’m sure it would be. Uh okay well, her thoughts were the exact same as yours. She didn’t really like the idea of having to marry someone that old. She had said that she wouldn’t mind the age difference, if they had been in love, but obviously, she hardly knew the man, so love wasn’t an option.”

“I think that’s kinda a matter of opinion. She could easily fall in love with him. Well I mean, if he had the qualities she was looking for. I don’t think it would take too long to fall in love with someone, if they happen to be the right person, that is.”

“Yeah, I think I kinda know what you’re talking about. That hardly ever happens though. But anyway, back to the story, she wanted to find a way out of this marriage. But the only two things she could think of was suicide or running away. She was afraid of running away, because she’d be alone; and if they found her, there would be consequences. So she was greatly considering the suicide. She was going to try, but then there were many people already arriving for the wedding. The day before, she met someone. She met a guy, just a couple months older than her. He had arrived with his mum, who was said to be one of the bakery workers that had been hired. He found her in the back area of the castle they were staying at. She was frustrated with everything and just wanted a way out. People say that it was love at first sight for them, but really, it wasn’t. It was said that at the beginning, it was nothing, but bickering back and forth between the two. They fought over every little thing, but the one thing they had in common, was their need to get away from everything. They needed to get away from the things that were holding them back. For her that was her ‘fiancé’ and for him it was his over controlling mother.”

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