Chapter 20

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I woke up to a loud pounding against the door.

I was a bit confused as to why I was in an unknown room and an unknown bed. Before I could get up or even answer the door swung open. To my surprise, there stood my mom. She looked a bit frustrated.

"Hi mom."

"Don't 'hi mom' me, Amy. You need to get up and get ready. Come on! You cannot be late to your own fucking wedding."

"Why the hell not? It's my wedding mom; and I could do whatever I want. So yes, I could be late if I so pleased."

"No, you cannot. You would keep everyone waiting, and I'm pretty sure nobody wants to be waiting around for you."

"I beg to differ. He will wait for me. And really, that's all that matters. Nothing else does." I said to her hoping she would just drop it.

"Yeah, unless you take too long and he gets hungry or something. So get up and let's get you ready."

"You're right."

"Of course, I am."

I got up and followed my mum out the door and through the corridor. I still couldn't figure out where I was, but I only assumed that we were at the venue.

Tonight was going to be perfect. I was marrying someone I loved with all of my heart and the best thing about that is that he felt the same thing for me.

I went to the restroom and brushed my hair and teeth before walking back out to get ready. I sat down as my mom, Marianne, and Rosie began doing my hair and makeup. They worked pretty fast. We were all dressed and ready in only an hour and a half. I swear, I thought it would have been a lot longer than that.

When I looked at myself in the mirror, I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I looked beautiful beyond words. My mom even got teary eyed as she looked at me saying that she was happy for me.

The one thing that everyone kept asking me was, "are you excited about this next step in your life?" and I, of course, would answer yes. I mean, why wouldn't I be excited?

As I walked down the stairs to the door that would lead me outside to the ceremony, I began getting butterflies. It's about to happen. The moment I've been waiting for. I'm about to get married.

Just as I was about to open the doors to walk through, I heard a very familiar voice. "Wait; let me go in before you make your grand entrance." Connor said.

"Connor? What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Uh well, you invited me... I thought that meant I could come, or was that just an 'I'd feel bad if I didn't give you one, but I don't want you to actually show up' invitation?" he said far too quickly.

"What? No, I mean why are you here? Don't you know its bad luck to see the bride before the wedding? I mean, I don't believe in luck, but I still didn't want you to see me until I walked down the aisle."

"Amy, what are you talking about? Why would it matter if I saw you now and not later; I'm just going to be sitting right here." He muttered as he pointed to one of the pews towards the end of the aisle. 

"What? But we're getting married today, or did you forget?"

"Amy, are you okay? You're getting married today. You are, but not to me."

"What do you mean? You promised we would be together forever. You said you would never hurt me. You promised." I said unsure if he was being serious or not.

"Yes, I did. And I thought you had too. But it wasn't I who hurt you. You hurt me. You are the reason our relationship ended. You kissed him, and now you're about to marry him."

Kissed who? I haven't kissed anyone other than Connor.

"Okay Connor, get to your seat we're about to start." My dad said as he and my mom got ready to walk me down the aisle. The doors opened and the girls began walking forward. I tried looking past everyone but couldn't see who was standing at the other end of that aisle.

As we neared the end he came into view, and my eyes met his ocean blue eyes. 


** ** **

"Crap!" I said as I sat up abruptly on the bed. It was a bit difficult to do at first seeing as though there was an arm draped around my body holding me close to theirs. At first, I thought it was Connor, but I shortly realized that I was wrong.

"Amy, are you alright?" Niall asked as he sat up to look at me.

What the fuck is going on?

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