Chapter 28

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“Yeah, thank you so much Marina. Just let him know that I’ll be there in about an hour or so. And I’ll see you soon. Bye.” I said into the pay phone to Connor’s mom.

I’m not going to lie, that lady loves me. She’s always been like a second mom to me, and just now, I couldn’t get her to shut up. She just kept going on and on about what they’ve been doing and what they have planned for when I arrived. And apparently, she was far more worried about me than anyone else, because I should have arrived days ago. She kept saying how excited she was that I was finally in Dublin. And right before she hung up, she mentioned that I was going to be extremely happy when I finally arrive to their home. Apparently, the news they have for me is big and I’m going to be beyond happy.

I’m so much more excited to get there now, but I don’t want Niall to leave. Is that weird? I mean, I have no reason to want him around. I shouldn’t want him around. I shouldn’t even care that after today I’m most likely never going to see him again. I shouldn’t care, but for some reason, I do.

As I walked out of the phone booth, Niall turned to face me with a smile on his face, but not in his eyes. The smile would fool anyone, but I can see past it. I’ve only known him for a few days, but I’ve come to the point where I know when he’s being sincere, and when his smile is realistic and when it isn’t. Right now, it isn’t.

“So he wasn’t home, but I left a message with his mom. So I guess all that’s left now is good bye. We just need to find an ATM and maybe get a cab.”

“We could walk. You’ve got legs, don’t ya?” he joked.

“Yeah, one of my best features I’ve been told.”

“Ha! Who told you that?”

“Jerk! I hate you,” I said with a smile while lightly shoving him away.

“No, you don’t. Now c’mon.” He said as he grabbed onto my hand and led me across the street.

And at that moment, I came to the realization that I didn’t hate him one bit; and you wouldn’t believe the most amazing things that can come from a terrible lie.

“Ugh, but Niall I’m tired, and my legs are sore from walking so much in these shoes!”

"And who's fault is that?" he asked sarcastically.

“Well its mine but I-“

“Okay so then be quiet, it’s your fault for wearing those damn shoes.”

“Niall, I’m serious. I’m tired.”

“Well, I’m not getting a cab, I want to walk.”

“But Niall I-”

“No Amy! Come here.” he said as he pulled me to the side and turned his back to me. “Jump on.”


“Jump on. I’m not getting a cab, Amy; so you’re either going to jump on or you’re going to walk.”

“Fine,” I said as I got onto Niall’s back.

“Niall! Stop it. Please stop.” I said as I held onto him.

He was currently pretending, well I’m hoping that he’s pretending, that he’s going to drop me in the small stream that’s flowing through the park we are currently in.

“You guys are adorable. My husband and I used to be just like you two before he passed. How long have you been together?” A cute little old lady commented to us with a heavy accent.

“Oh were no-” I began to say but was cut off by Niall.

“Three years,” He said to her with a big smile, leaving me smiling awkwardly while trying to figure out why he would say something like that.

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