Chapter 15

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I walked straight to the guy that took it in the first place.

“Well, it was so very nice of you to watch my bag, but I think it’s time I get it back.” I said to him with the most confidence I could mutter.

“Oh, is that right? Do ye hear that lads, the missus would like her stuff back.” he said in a mocking tone.

“Yes. Now if you don’t mind, I will just take it and get going.” I said taking a step closer to the open suitcase.

“Ah, but we do mind,” one said as the other grabbed hold of my arm and pushed me against the wall.

“What are you doing? Let go of me!” I yelled at the teen that held onto me.

“And if I don’t?” He asked in an almost cocky tone.

“I… I’ll… I’ll call the American Ambassador.”

“Oh really? Should we be scared?”

“Yes,” I said as I spat into their face.

“Maybe we’ll just,” They began to say, but were interrupted by the door opening.

“Alright lads. That’s enough. Give the girl her stuff back.” I heard Niall say even though I couldn’t see him.

The second I heard his voice, I felt a growing smile on my face. I know I had told him to stay away and leave me alone, but at this moment, he is the only person I actually would want in this room with me.

“And who are you?” One of them ask walking towards him with the other one, while the boy holding onto me held on tighter.

It wasn’t until Niall spoke again that he let go of me and walked over to his two friends.

“I’m nobody.” He said.

“Well then, stay out of it.” The one that was holding onto me said.

“I don’t think so.” Niall responded.



“Okay, that’s understandable.” They all said at the same time as they turned away. I thought that maybe they were going to let this go, but the second I saw their faces, I knew the growing smirks meant this was only just the beginning. Shit.

Just as I thought, the second I saw Niall sigh in relief, the biggest one of them turned and punch Niall straight into his jaw.

“Fuck.” I heard Niall mutter.

The next couple of seconds happened so quickly. I saw one of them walking towards me with his back to everyone else. He was completely unaware of what was happening.  I wasn’t sure what was happening myself. But I saw one of the other fall straight back, almost as if he had been thrown off to the side. Then I saw the other one stumble back into the wall; and finally, the one right in front of me was pulled away and Niall punched him across the face. I heard a cracking sound, then saw blood beginning to drip onto the floor as he fell onto the ground. I soon realized that Niall had broken the kid’s nose with only just a single punch. I was left speechless.

I hadn’t thought that Niall would be able to take on three guys all by himself. It was a strange to think that he even noticed I was gone, let alone come help me. He made it seem like he hated me in every way possible; he even made a smart remark about killing me for whatever reason, which still remains unknown to me. I mean, he laughed and said he was only joking, but I honestly feel like he wouldn’t care if I had died at that moment. But now, it’s like I’m in the presence of a whole new Niall. A kinder Niall that would actually spend his time to help me and make my life a little bit easier to deal with. Up to this point, he’s been nothing, but a pain in the ass; and I’m actually really glad to see him changing his attitude towards me, even if it’s only for right now. It’s just really nice.

“Wow. That was… unbelievable.” I said to him in a serious tone.

“Yeah, it was nothing, really.”

“No, you saved me. I have no idea what they would have done to me if you hadn’t walked through that door. Thank you.” I said in sincerity.

“Yeah, sure, no problem.” He answered quickly as he sat down and held onto his jaw and now swollen lip.

For some reason, I found myself wanting nothing more than to be able to kiss his wounds better. It was like nothing else in the world mattered. It was like nothing else existed. But as I got closer to him and grabbed hold of his face, the door swung open again bringing me back to reality.

“Get out.” The bartender spoke to Niall and me.

“Fair enough.” Niall said without a protest. I’m assuming he understands seeing as though he owns a bar himself. I’m sure he wouldn’t hesitate to kick someone out and to personally escort them out if need be.

I immediately remembered why I had walked into this bar.

“Hi umm, I was hoping you could help me find a way to Dublin.” I asked hopefully.

“Get out.” He said again with a straight face.

“Right, I’ll just gather up my things and get going then.” At this rate, it seems as though, I am never getting to Dublin. “I am terribly sorry about this.” I finally said as I walked out the door.

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