Chapter 18

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AN: I've been waiting for chapter 18 haha. I don't know why, I feel like this is where my book becomes an adult. Because you know... Chapter 18.

I just laughed out loud about that.

I need help.

Anyway! I've been updating like crazy because I really do care about my readers. You guys have no Idea. I just love writing and I love it when I have more votes or I see that I have a new comment. It makes me smile.(:

Also I know that it sucks waiting for an update. Because like, they will update like a week later and you're all like,

Who the fuck is that

What the fuck is this

Where the fuck is he

And you get all confused. Ahhaha.

So I'll update everyday.. Or I'll try. I love you! Keep voting and commenting!

ALSO. If you are writing a book and have many readers or have a popular fan page, PLEASE. Give this book a shout out. I would love it guys! <3

You're probably getting impatient so. Yeah. I'll get to writing.


Nialls POV:

"Yeah. I think she went to check on Harry." Liam said.

"But I would be deathly scared of all of us, I mean.. After what happened. So why would she check on him?" Zayn shrugged. He has a good point. Why would she? And why hasn't she ran away yet?

"Why hasn't she ran yet? She has the chance?" I question out loud. I've been wondering ever since I saw her In Liam's house. She has the chance to run, we all know she does. Maybe she has no where to run to... Maybe her family ditched her. Oh god. Who would ditch that pretty little face.

"I told her that if the other gang finds her, she's dead. I also told her that they are always watching. Even when she least expects it." He emphasizes the word 'always'.

"Smart man." Liam speaks up again. "But one day she won't care, one day-"

Just then we hear a loud bang from upstairs. Sounded like something fell, or someone got pushed. We all turn and look at the door, then at each other.

"Shit." Zayn hops up and starts to run upstairs. Soon we all follow him, trying to keep up with his pace.


Zayns POV:

"Shit." The words slip out of my mouth. All that I can think is that Harry has stabbed Amber. Something happened to Amber. Something is wrong. I hop up and start to jog upstairs. My heart pounding. I know this shouldn't matter to me, but I can't let her go. I can't let the other gang get her. Not Matt. No that's too easy. He will threaten her. He will most likely hit her.

The thought of all this is making my blood boil. I hear the boys behind me walking down the hall as I am.

"Amber!?" I scream out, hoping for a reply.

"Harry!" Liam screams from behind me. "I swear if he did anything I'm going to choke him." Liam grunts under his breath. Nice to know someone feels the same as me.

Just as we get to the living room, Louis pops out from around the corner.

"Hello mates!" Louis says cheekily with a cup of tea in one hand.

"Where's Harry?" Roy pops out from behind us all.

Him and Harry are close, but not as close as Louis and Harry. They talk about everything. Louis is like Harrys puppy and vise versa. They are constantly on each others back. Like they are leashed together. So Louis HAS to know, or Harry has to be close.

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