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[Song: Too good. By: Drake]

{Zane's POV}

"Travis no! This is wrong!" I whisper giggling, as he places whip cream in Venus' left hand. She snores sweetly in her sleep, occasionally moving. Travis laughs quietly, handing me the whip cream bottle and grabbing a feather. "Travis come on stop! She gonna be sad!" I whisper/yell, my tone turning more serious. He ignores me, and tickles her face softly. She sniffles, and he flinches away from her face carefully. I try to snatch the feather from his hand but he keeps me away. "Do you wanna deal with a crying Venus?!" I growl at him, he sighs. "Babe cheer up. Its just a little prank jeez." He says, tickling her face with the feather again. She goes to itch her face but ends up smacking the whip cream on her face, making Travis burst out into laughter. I send him an angry look as Venus sits up in bed and looks at Travis, shocked. She then bursts into tears and wipes the whip cream off her face. I sigh, walking over to her and wrapping her in a warm hug. Travis' expression softens and he frowns. He holds Venus' hand gently before she snatches it away and digs her head into my shoulder, sobbing. "Cupcake, its was just suppose to be a joke! Come on please Don't be mad at me." He begs her, she stops sobbing but still refuses to look at him. "I told you not to do it." I huff, he sighs deeply. "Baby!" I walk downstairs and set Venus on the couch, "stay here okay? Im going to go get you a napkin and something to drink." I tell her, I hear Travis walk down the stairs slowly. "Cupcake~" he sings, she sends him an adorable pouty face. "I have something for you...!!" He whispers, I watch them, playing with the napkins in my hand. Venus' face lights up and she smiles excitedly as he sits down next to her. "Close your eyes and hold out your hand, Cupcake." She obeys, doing as he says, he places 20 dollars in her hand and I roll my eyes. She opens up her eyes and gasps. "WOW! THANKS PAPA!" She cheers, giving him a big hug. He chuckles, kissing her forehead softly as she skips upstairs back into her room, probably putting the 20 dollar bill in her piggy bank. He stands up and walks towards me. "Wow, bribe our children. Real smart Travis." I spit, he sighs, walking closer. "Come on, Don't be so grumpy baby, I have a present for you too~" he soothes, bending me down, and connecting our lips. I kiss back, softly wrapping my arms around his neck and I cant help but smile throughout the kiss. "Mama look I- EWWWWW!!!" Everest shrieks, walking downstairs. Me and Travis pull away from the kiss, and smile at Everest. He giggles and sticks out his tongue. "Gross!" Travis rolls his eyes and grins. "Oh hush up you." "Whats up honey?" I ask him, he shove a picture in out faces with excitement. I had no idea what it was. "U-Uhm...Wow! h-how pretty!" I cheer enthusiastically. He smiles and turns to Travis. "Papa do you like it?" He asks, Travis tilts his head and looks at me mouthing 'what is that?' I giggle and shrug. "Yeah kiddo! Its awesome!" He replies, making Everest smile sweetly, he turns to me. "Its you and papa!" My eyes widen and I smile. "Aww thank you Everest! Thats so sweet!" I take the picture out his hand and hug it slightly, sending him a kiss on the cheek. He giggles and runs upstairs. "Haha Venus! Mama said I was sweet~!" Everest brags, Me and Travis laugh. I place the picture on top of the counter as Travis walks back to the couch. I got to sit sown next to him but my phone goes off. I groan, picking it up. I click messages to see a message from Aphmau.

Aphmau: Party at my place! Later tonight starting at 8:20! No kids allowed so try and find your children a babysitter! Hope you can make it!

I sigh and smile. I love her parties. I responds saying we will be there and I check the time. 7:01. I grab Travis' hand and I pull him off the couch. He groans, wrapping me in a hug. "I Don't wanna leave the couch, its the only warm thing here besides you." He mutters, I smile, placing a kiss on his cheek. "Come on, we have to get ready for Aphmau's party." I tell him, he groans and sighs, walking upstairs to get ready.

I pick Zoey to babysit the kids, and then me and Travis are off to Aphmau's house. When we arrive, we knock on her door, which had lights surrounding it. We could hear the music playing loud and clear through the door too. Aphmau soon opens up the door, smiling. "Hey! You guys came, Great. Come on in you two!!" She happily says, stepping aside as we walk in. Inside was Dante, Laurence, Garroth, Vylad, Kawaii~chan, Damian, Katelyn, Jeffery, Nicole, Lucinda, and Brenden. Wow, I honestly wasn't expecting so much people. "Travis! My man!" Laurence and Dante greet, walking over to Travis with big smiles, both of them holding beers. They were obviously drunk. I Don't like drunk people. It makes me uncomfortable. It brings back bad memories. I tug at Travis' arm softly, he looks down at me. "Please don't get drunk.." I whisper in his ear, he smiles kindly at me and pecks my lips. "I wont, I promise." And so, Travis walks away with Laurence and Dante, who were practically pulling him away. Aphmau stands next to me, smiling. "Hey best friend!" She cheers, wrapping me in a hug. I smile and hug her back, only to feel her hugging tighter. "U-Uh- Aph?" I squeak, she pulls away from the hug and sighs. Her breath smelt like alcohol. Great, she was drunk too. Btu I know some people who wouldn't ever get drunk. I walk over to Garroth and Vylad, who were sitting on the couch, chatting, drinking coke. "Hey guys." I greet, they smile. "Hey baby brother! Whats up?" Garroth replies. I shrug, plopping down next to Vylad. "Nothing much. Is everyone here drunk?" I question he sighs and nods slowly. "Definitely looks like it." Vylad interrupts, watching in disgust as Kawaii~chan and Damian make out in the corner of the room. "Ew gross." He grumbles, looking away from them and at me. "Does Travis drink?" I nod, rolling my eyes. "Sadly, yes. And I'm guessing that Dante and Laurence drink too." We look over to Travis, Dante, and Laurence, who were full out laughing for no reason in the dining room. "Yeah. I sometimes get scared when Laurence drinks..." Garroth whispers, I furrow my eyebrows. "Why?" "Because it brings back bad memories with Garte and stuff... you know." He answers, Vylad and I nod in agreement. Laurence walks over and wraps his arms around Garroth's waist. "HeeEEeeey G- *hic* Garroth...Come hang w-with meeeEeEeee~" Laurence says, Garroth groans and pushes him away, only to receive a kiss from Laurence. "Not not Laur!" Garroth growls, he sighs and takes another chug of the beer, walking back over to the guys. Travis was drinking as well, but he didn't seem drunk. "Travis!" I call, he walks over, smiling peacefully at me. "Hmm?" "Don't get drunk please..." I whimper, he chuckles and plants a soft and warm kiss on my lips. "I said I wouldn't didn't I? I promise I wont." He says, I nod and grin at him. He then walks away with the boys and I look back at my brothers. "You already know he's gonna break that promise right?" Vylad questions, and of course, I nod.

A/N i smell dramaaa

I don't wanna go to school on Fridayyyyy :(


lol I hope you enjoyed
this chapter! Okay bye! :3

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