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{Zane's POV}
I was shaking. I was shaking and I was scared. I look over at Travis in the car as we approach their house. He sends me a sympathetic smile and I just look down. "Hey, I know I told you about the bad things he did, but hey, he wont do it to you or in front of you." Travis whispers, smiling. I chuckle nervously. "I Don't want to meet your Father yet." I whisper, Hugging him tightly. "I know, I know what he did reminds you of your Father. But don't worry. I'll protect you-" He begins but I cut him off. "But Travis! He's scary! What he did was scary, what he did to you was scary!" I whine. "Zane listen to me. When We first started dating, I promised I would always protect you and I would give you the world. Have I not done that?" He asks, leaning closer. "Yes you have.." I reply, A light red blush spreading across my face. "Okay. So you should Trust me by now. Do you trust me?" I nod and Smile. "Then trust me when I say, It's going to be fine." He repeats, landing a kiss on my cheek. As much as His little cute talks made me smile, I still felt scared and nervous. We arrive at their house and We get out the car. We walk over to their front door, and Travis grabs my hand and smiles reassuringly at me before knocking on the door. The door opens to reveal Angie, she smiles. "Hey Guys! Honey, Their here!" She hollers. A tall man with Light white hair and Purple eyes walks down the stairs. Travis' grip on my hand suddenly tensed up. "Hey Dad." He says, The man smiles, At not only Travis but at me. He stands next to Angie and holds his hand out to me. "You myst be Zane. Angie has told me great things about you." He says, I shake his hand. He smiles once again, It wasn't a fake smile, it wasn't a Threatening smile, it was a real smile. Has he changed. I smile back and Angie makes space for Us to enter. We walk in and sit on the couch as The man brings us some drinks and Angie sits next to me. "Travis, Son, can I speak to you in private For a moment?" He asks, Travis nods, standing up and walking upstairs with his dad. "If Travis told you things about his Father, I hope you know that they are true. I also hope you know that he's changed." Angie whispers tome, I smile.

{Travis' POV}
I walk upstairs with My dad and we stand outside the bathroom door. "Travis..I-Im sorry. Im sorry for being an alcoholic and trying to kill you, Im sorry for abusing you until you Cried, Im sorry for trying to Leave you on a highway, Im sorry for everything..Im sorry for failing you as a Father." He whispers, His eyes suddenly beginning to Water. "D-Dad its fine, Its okay-" I start, he cuts me off, "No, its not okay, I can never make up for what I did! I regret everything. I hate myself for it, I...I..." He stutters, suddenly bursting into tears, I smile sympathetically and I hug him. He cries into my shoulder and A small tear rolls down my cheek. The man I've always wanted to yell at, to kill, to Cry because of, Just apologized.
"I love you son, And I always will. Im sorry about the things I've done, and For now on, I'll always support you." He tells me, pulling away from the hug and smiling. I chuckle. "Thanks Dad." I whisper. After that we walk back downstairs, and sit back down on the couch, I sit next to Zane and I lean closer to him, "He's good now, Don't be nervous okay?" I whisper, he smiles and nods. "W-Well, I have an announcement." Zane says, standing up slowly, The doorbell suddenly rings and he Groans. Angie giggles and stands up. She opens the door and in comes Garroth, Vylad, and Zianna. I lift my eyebrow in confusion. Zane sighs. "Well, Since Me and Travis are married, I decided it would be great for our Families to come closer together. So I invited my Family as well." Zane explains, I smile at him, and kiss his cheek. Everyone greets each other, and then the room goes silent. "So, You came just in time...Because I have an announcement..." He Says, he looks nervous, scared almost.
"W-Well, I-Im...Pregnant." He announces. Everyone jumps up screaming In joy while I just sit there my mouth hanging open. Zane looks at me, smiling nervously. "Your not joking right?!" I ask, standing up and facing him face to face. "N-No. This is for real..." He whispers. A giant smile splatters across my face and I connect our lips. Our lips move in sync and His arms wrap around my neck while mine wrap around his waist. We pull away, and I hug him tight. "OH MY GOSH OH MY GOSH OH MY GOSHHHH, IM GOING TO BE A GRANDMA!" Zianna and Angie both scream in happiness. Me and Zane chuckle. "IM GOING TO BE A GRANDFATHER OH MY IRENE, Congratulations!" Dad cheers, Giving both me and Zane high fives. We smile. "This is amazing but, How are you Pregnant? Your a Boy." Vylad mentions, Zane chuckles nervously. I look at Him curiously. "W-Well, Its a long story. So, Basically..."

I walk into Lucinda's house with Travis, and she smiles. "Hey guys! Thanks for helping me Unpack my potions. It means a lot!" Lucinda greets us, smiling. I smile back and nod, so does Travis. We enter her house and look around. "So where do we start?" I ask. Lucinda points over to a small room, that was filled with boxes and potions of all sorts. We nod and walk into the room. Travis picks up a box and so do I, and we lead it over to Lucinda, Placing it on top of a desk. We open them and start to unpack the Potions in them. Lucinda leaves the room, and she goes into the Bathroom. Travis smirks while holding a pink potion in his hands and he reads it outloud. "Gender-swap potion huh~?" He flirtatiously whispers, Turning towards me. "Travis?" I ask, suspiciously as He steps closer and I back up, we continue that process, until Im up against the wall and Travis is in front of me with no escape. "Travis Don't you dare!" I growl, But he does it anyways. He spills the potion all over me. I was a girl now, with black long wavy hair and blue eyes. My normal clothes were big on me now, and I was about 2 inches shorter than my normal self. I look up at Travis, With an angry expression when I see the love thats filled in his eyes. He picks me up and races out the house and Inside our house. "TRAVIS WE HAVE TO HELP LUCINDA UNPACK WE-" I yell, but he cuts me off by smashing me up onto the bed and connecting our lips as we approach our room.

{End of Flashback}

{Still Travis' POV}
"And we kind of did the dirty and Now Im Pregnant." Zane finishes explaining and I smirk. "Ohhh Yeahhhhh, I remember that! Wait- How are you going to give birth?" I ask, Zane looks over at me, giggling. "Surgery you dumbo." He says, I chuckle, I keep my arms wrapped around him and he cuddles me. "WE NEED TO CELEBRATE, NO QUESTIONS!" Dad yells out, everyone nods in agreement. "OLIVE GARDEN!" Zianna cheers and we all laugh. "Olive garden it is then." Angie repeats, and we all walk out the house and into the car. I hold Zane in my arms close and I Don't let him go.





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