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(Song: Side to side. By: Ariana Grande. Ft: Nicki Manaj)

{Zane's POV}
After 2 hours of Laughing, Blushing, Flirting, and joking around, Travis gets up from the couch and Gets ready to leave. I grab his wrist and I pull him. "No Don't go.." I whine. Travis chuckles. "I need my beauty sleep!" Travis Jokes, doing a sassy hair flip. "You need to hibernate." I mumble. "Hey! Im not a bear!" Travis argues, Giggling. "You are now." I grumpily say, Slumping back on the couch. Travis Reaches out for my hand. I turn my head grumpily. I wanna see where this goes. Travis rolls his eyes and starts to walk towards the door. "Travis! Don't go!" I whined. Reaching my hand out to him. "Zane. I have to!" Travis adds. I cross my arms and pout. I slowly grab the Flower crown Travis made me and I placed it on my head. Travis smiles. He walks over to me and Puts my hair behind my ear, showing my blind eye. I pout and cover up my blind eye, and I turn my head away. "Zane. Whats wrong?" Travis asks out of the blue. "What do you mean?" "I mean, Your so grumpy all of the sudden towards me." "Travis..." I say, holding his hand. "Nothing is wrong. I just REALLY don't want you to go..." I whisper. Travis Leans in.
"Zane I need to ask you a very Important question..."

sweater kisses // zanvis fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now