Chapter Thirty-Two - Professor Lupin

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Eliza stared forward as she waited for Professor Lupin to walk into the classroom, beside her Cedric talked happily to his friends that were on the desk next to them and behind them the twins whispered quickly about plans for new pranks. At the front of the classroom Angelina and Alicia gossiped and every so often would look back and wink at her. It was then, that she realised how much she actually missed Maisie, the girl who had left so abruptly.

"Good morning." Lupin walked in, a small smile on his face, he then placed his old briefcase onto his desk and looked around the classroom. "Please get out your books. Today's lesson we'll be working in them but next shall be a practical lesson."

Eliza and Cedric smiled at each other as they started to work in their books, writing quickly as Lupin wrote things down on the board, "What do you think of him then?" Cedric asked her.

"I think he's going to be a good teacher." Eliza told him. "He seems to be really nice. Better than Quirrell and Lockhart!"

"Anyone's better than those two!"

"That is true." Cedric replied. "I've missed you."

"I've missed you too." Eliza placed her hand on his before continuing to write. "We should go out just the two of us this weekend."

"That will be good." Cedric told her. "I do need to organise Quidditch Practice for the team. Has Wood said anything to you about Gryffindor Practises?"

"Not yet, Oliver will want to start as soon as possible though." Eliza told him. "Don't let it takeover your entire life though Ced."

"I won't, I won't. I am just looking forward to being Captain!"

"It should be good." Eliza said as she payed more attention to Lupin.

The Professor watched the brunette girl, memories of Evelyn Dawlish filling his mind. Eliza looked almost the exact same as her aunt but there was something else the same about them. They were both the shamed members of the highly respected family and were both happier than the family.

"I've been hearing a scream." Eliza whispered to Cedric.

"Have you seen something scary recently?" He told them. "Seen how Hufflepuff are going to thrash you this year?"

Eliza let out a sigh as she stared forward again and thought about her aunt and the haunting scream.

Eliza sat on a table with the twins, Angelina and Alicia. On the table next to them was Cedric and some other hufflepuffs. Snape glided into the room, his cape flowing beside him, "Settle down." He told the class, "Today we are doing a potion called Amortentia." Eliza's jaw dropped as she stared at him in disbelief.

"Why on earth is he teaching us a love potion." Eliza groaned as other girls in the class giggled.

"This is the only time you will make this potion and no one will be using it!" He warned, pointing his glare at the cheerful girls. After that, he went on to show the class how to make the potion, some of the ingredients including: Ashwinder eggs, rose thorns, peppermint, and Pearl dust.

"Ang, you could use it on Fred." George told her with a grin.

"She doesn't need to use it on Fred." Alicia retorted, "He's already in love with her."

Ignoring their comments Fred turned to Eliza, "What do you thinks made him make this potion?"

"He's probably being forced to do it." Eliza sighed, "It's boring to watch though."

"Is it true you smell things about the person you love?" He asked her.

"I don't know, I've never smelt one before."

After a while, Snape had finally finished the potion and glared around the class, "Who wishes to smell the potion?" He drawled out.

One of the red faced Hufflepuff girls put her hand up and then went and smelt the potion before saying "Egg Custard Tarts, Parchment Paper, Ginger Beer."

A couple of her friends went before Fred loudly shouted that Eliza would go and smell it, she slowly made her way towards it, Cedric stared intently at his girlfriend - his friends teasing him about how she would smell things to do with him. "Broomstick wax, Grass and after-shave." She then walked back over to her table where they were all grinning at her.

"Cedric's after-shave." Angelina commented causing them to laugh.

His friends then pushed him up and he strolled over to the potion, "Wood from a broomstick handle, Eliza's perfume and fireworks." Cedric grinned at her as he made his way back to his seat.

"Young love." George told them.

Quickly, walking up to the common room Eliza and the twins laughed loudly together, "Our fireworks better be done in the next couple of days!"

"I know right, I look forward to watching them." Eliza said, "It should look amazing!"

"What did the after-shave smell like?" George asked her as they walked upstairs to the twin's room.

"I don't know, it smelt familiar." Eliza replied.

"Cedric's?" Fred asked.

"Duh! She is in love with him." George told his brother.

"Yeah Fred!" Eliza and George stood side by side and smiled at him.

Running as quick as they could the three entered the Great Hall and went to sit down at the Gryffindor table, "I'm starving!"

"So am I." Eliza told them as they began to fill up their plates.

"You three need to slow down." Alicia said to them as she sat down with Katie and Angelina. "You look as though you have not eaten in years."

"It feels like it!" Fred told her. "Come and eat, the food is delicious."

Oliver joined them half way through the evening, "Practice early tomorrow!"

"Why?" The twins groaned at their Captain, "It's the first week back!"

"So?" Oliver smiled, "We have to win this year! Come on, we need to be the best."

The team stared up at him, "It's going to be really early though!"

"I'll see you in the morning." Oliver told the team, "I'm going to go and and wax my broom, make sure it's perfect."

"He's obsessed." Fred muttered under his breath while he shook his head, "Complete nutter."

"He's mad!" George agreed with his brother. "But a good Captain!"

"A mad Captain."

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