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I will cross the ocean for you

~ Nicole's Pov ~

Dustin, Devin and I were all in the waiting room of the doctor's office. I told him I was grown as hell and didn't need assistance but he insisted on coming with me. After the pregnancy test I took last night, I knew I had to come here and be sure. I needed to know for sure that I WAS NOT pregnant.

"Daddy, what we here for?"

"Well, Miss Nicole thinks she might have caught something."

"No, your daddy thinks I might have caught something."

"Like what?" He asked.

"The baby flu."

"Can I get that?"

"Thought you weren't a baby, big man?"

"But, Miss Nicole isn't either..."

I rolled my eyes. Dustin can't explain shit. And at this point, I didn't know what to tell him. All we could do was tell him the truth.

"Your daddy thinks there's a baby inside of me." I told Devin.

"Oh you're going to be a mommy?" He told me as his eyes smiled along with his face.

"Maybe. Maybe not. I think otherwise.."

"So if you're going to be a mommy then who's going to be the daddy?"

"No, Devin. There might not be a baby.."

"But if there is a baby, then who's the daddy?"

I sighed.

"All baby's have daddies right?" He asked the both of us. I looked at Dustin so he could answer his child's question.

"IF there's a baby Devin, I'm the daddy."

"How? When you're my daddy?" He tilted his head to the side.

"Long story son. You'll learn about that later in life.." Dustin told him while tickling him.

Soon I was being called to the back. I didn't even wanna think about the numbers on the scale so I told the nurse to keep it to herself. Once we got to the back, I sat and explained to the nurse everything that was going on.

"Well I've been very stressed lately, hence the weight gain. I know I've gained about fifteen pounds. Everyone seems to think that it's not stress. They seem to think that I'm pregnant including this guy," I nodded over towards Dustin. "So I took an at home pregnancy test and I know how inaccurate they can be. I'm here to take one instead."

"So the pregnancy test told you that you were pregnant?"

I nodded. "Yeah,"

"But you still don't think so?"

I nodded again.

"Okay, well I'll get you set up to take a pregnancy test. I'm going to also put in word about you being stressed to the doctor as well. That could be a problem. I'll be right back." The nurse finished writing down everything she could and then left out leaving us in the room with an awkward silence.

I couldn't tell you who was more afraid. I know Dustin was worried about taking care of two kids when he barely has time for one. And we just started this relationship! A baby is exactly what we don't need.

The nurse came back to get me. She led me to a bathroom where I'd pee in a cup and get the results back soon. After that, I returned back to the room and waited for the doctor to come and chat with me about my stress.

Change Me: A Dustin Breeding Story (B5) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now