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Who the fuck do you think I am

~ Nicole's Pov ~

I giggled at my phone at Patrick's previous texts. You'd think we've been friends forever.

It's been days since Dustin's sent me the flowers and I haven't got in contact with him. I've just been doing me, as usual.

Heard from Dustin?


You avoiding him huh?


Sounds like it to me.

Patrick saw the flowers and even read the card. He says that if Dustin did all of that then he's really sorry. I just think that if he's really sorry he could apologize to me in person.. He came on to me in person. He yelled at me in person.

Besides, I didn't even want to think about Dustin tonight. I just wanted to enjoy my time to myself, which I was going to do once I opened this bottle of wine.

Once my glass was poured and my music was on, I put my phone down. I wasn't interested in the people on my line anyways. As in conversation, that is. I just wanted to drink and hopefully not get so caught up in my thoughts.

Two hours later.

I was all giggly. I was working on my second bottle so I was feeling real good. Better than good. My thoughts were interrupted when my doorbell rang.

I pushed myself up from the couch and balanced myself before walking over to the door like a fool. I opened the door without even thinking about asking who was at my house and at this time of night. Hell, I couldn't even tell you what time it was.

My facial expression changed and I'm sure he could tell it too. "Dustin.." I got out. "W-what are you doing here?" I covered my face with my hand. Damn it! I didn't think HE would be here.

"I know I'm probably the last person you want to see right now but--"

"You've got that right."

He laughed sarcastically. "Okay, I deserve that. I deserve that."

"Why are you here Dustin?"

"I just needed to know if you accepted my apology." He shoved his hands in his pockets.

I raised my brow. "You needed to know?"

He nodded.

"Well last year you didn't need to know anything. You didn't care if I was even alive or not so just because you sent me flowers and a whack ass apology doesn't mean that I accept it or that I needed to accept it! You should send apologies from your heart not to get an acceptance." I told him. He was really killing my buzz.

"I know Nicole but I--"

"But you what? What you need? You need a fuck buddy? Do you need some help? Do you need some advice? Because that's all I can offer to you right? I can't possibly just be your friend because I secretly have a thing for you right? Isn't that what you said?"

"Yeah, Nicole that's what I said."

"Who the fuck do you think I am?!" I asked him. "And what was I ever to you in the first place?"

"You're Nicole and you were my friend."

"And were is past tense."

He looked past me and into my house. "You've been drinking?"

Change Me: A Dustin Breeding Story (B5) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now