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I wish I could rip out a page of my memory
Cause I put to much energy in him and me
Can't wait til I get through this phase
Cause it's killing me
To bad we can't re-write our own history
--Keri Hilson

Months later...

~ Dustin's Pov ~

The summer's finally here and I was helping Nicole move out of her office. She had so much stuff.

"I see why you do a lot of work." I told her while putting a box in her car.

"Yeah, then I had cases on some of the students as well. It's a mess." She shook her head.

Nicole and I's relationship was well, too well actually. I wasn't fooling around with random girls anymore. I was strictly focused on her, even though we still weren't together. It didn't seem to bother the both of us.. Well me because I never really asked Nicole how she felt. I figured if something was bothering her, she would tell me.

I was just putting the last box into her car and then I closed the door. "Whew!" I wiped the sweat from my forehead.

"You're so lazy," she laughed at me from being tired.

"Girl I'm not lazy. I'm a model, I workout, I run. I'm good."

She wrapped her arms around my neck and I held her waist. "Thanks babe. I appreciate you helping me today."

"Yeah, yeah, I'm sure."

She kissed my cheek. "What you bouta do?"

"Get Devin.. Take him to get something to eat. Can you believe my big man is about to be four?"

"Where'd the time go? I can't believe I've been out here this long.. Almost four years." She said in pure amazement.

"I can't believe we've known each other that long."

"Me neither. Hey, remind me to talk to you about something later." She said before getting inside of her car.

"Is it important?"

"It is." She winked and got inside. I wondered what it could be. "I'll call you."

"Okay," I told her and she drove off.

I headed off to my car and went on my way to get Devin. Nicole's words travelled my mind on my way there. Maybe now she would begin to say something about us being in a relationship.

~Nicole's Pov ~

"Have you told Dustin yet?" Chelsea asked me. She was tired of me holding the secret from him for so long.

I've known about this for about two months now and I didn't know how to explain this to Dustin at the moment. Our relationship was going so good; honestly it couldn't have been better. Dustin had turned into a completely different person when I was with him. I just hope this doesn't set him back or us..

"No, Chels. I haven't told him yet."

She sucked her teeth. "Nicole! What are you waiting on? Are you afraid of what he might say?"

"Kind of. This is Dustin we're talking about here..."

"Dustin has changed. He'll be understanding and you both will come to an agreement, I know it."

"I don't know. I'm just nervous..."

"I know. But I'm telling you that everything will be fine. Invite him over and you tell him face to face. Don't even think about doing it over the phone."

Change Me: A Dustin Breeding Story (B5) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now