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I'll take a chainsaw to the sofa
Where I held your body close for so long
I'm gonna break the fucking China
cuz it's just a reminder you're gone.
-- Nick Jonas


~ Dustin's Pov ~

"Mmhm, thank you for doing the decorations NICOLE! They look wonderful!" Chelsea said as she phoned Nicole. She looked at me and rolled her eyes. "Mmhm.. He see them."

I just shook it off. As a matter of fact, I shook everyone off. They all made it clear that they weren't here for me; they were here for Devin. And even though this shit happened months ago, they were all still holding grudges like I did this shit yesterday.

"Uncle Dustin, when you get done can you come and play with Devin and me?" Khloe asked.

I couldn't turn her down. "Of course baby girl."

Carnell and Caiden haven't made it yet. I was hoping that they would come because it would be nice to see Devin playing with his boy cousin. But I haven't apologized to him yet.

I tried to make this party as good as I could on my own then Chelsea jumped in with all these decorations and shit she got from Nicole. Whatever but I used them and they looked pretty nice.

As soon as I got done putting the food out on the table the doorbell rang. I ran over to open it and you would not believe who was at the door.


"Is that how you look at me when you haven't seen me in forever?" She said referring to the pissed look on my face. "I brought gifts." She held them up as she tried to make her way in my house. I stopped her and pushed her back letting her know that she wasn't coming in. I closed the door behind me as I stood outside with Jaylin.

I crossed my arms. "Have you lost your mind?" I asked her. "You think you're going to waltz up in here, in my house, at my son's birthday party that you knew nothing about and think that everything's going to be oh so cool?"

"Dustin, I just thought it would be cool if I met everyone."

"Girl! I haven't spoken to you in months since you disrespected my son's mother! Which obviously means I don't want to talk to you or see you! Take them sad ass gifts home. We don't need your sympathy." I told Jaylin right before I walked back into the house.

I tried not to show how pissed I was and I went into the backyard to play with the kids.

I needed a drink for this one.

"Alright Dev, let's open gifts!" My mom said as she came out with the gift bags. Devin clapped as she came over to the table with them and held out one for him to open.

Oh yeah, Carnell came but without Caiden though. He hasn't said a word to me, just like everyone else. I just been talking with the kids all day and mom, occasionally.

"What you got buddy?" I asked.

"This one is from Nicole," mom looked back at me and cut her eyes. "She had some things to do so she couldn't make it baby." She told Devin.

Devin tore into his bag and pulled out a couple of fly tees and a toy. "Cool! Daddy, look what I got!"

"That's cool man," I told him. I was a little irritated about it, I was.

Change Me: A Dustin Breeding Story (B5) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now