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All the many days you were on my mind,
Visions of me with you, all the time.


~ Dustin's Pov ~

I woke up with nothing on and Andrea the same way, holding on to me for dear life. I smiled as I rubbed her back and kissed her forehead. Last night was better than ever and I couldn't believe it happened but I was glad it did.

I slipped out of Andrea's embrace and reached down to grab my boxers. As I slid them on I bumped into the dresser causing some things to fall and one of the drawers to fall out. "You're so clumsy Dustin," Andrea laughed in her sleep.

"I know it mama." I told her. I reached down to pick the drawer up and close it. I picked up everything that belonged in it and when I did, I came across a crack pipe. I held it in my hands and thought about how I would address the situation but my thoughts were fuzzy so I just blurted it out. "Andrea what the hell is this doing in here?" I stood up and held it up so she could see it.

She squinted to see it better. "I guess you never threw it away. It was in there with the rest of my things." She said as she closed her eyes again.

"Hell no, I know for a fact a threw all of that shit away. Andrea, please don't lie to me."

"Dustin, I've only been out of rehab for a week. You think I've started that shit again?" She asked scared of my answer.

"No. Yes. I don't know," I whispered.

"I haven't Dustin." She got up and wrapped herself in a towel that was laying on the bed. She walked over to me and took the pipe out of my hand. "Let's throw it away." She threw it in the trash can. "Better?"I nodded not knowing what else to do. "Good." She got back into the bed and I walked back over it to and sat down.

"So let's talk about last night." I told her.

"Okay," she said.

"It was great Andrea. And I would love for us to start things over."

"I would love that too, if you're serious."

"Dead serious. I want you to be mine now and forever." I confessed.

She blushed. "Well.. Okay. I guess I'm your girlfriend."

"Good," I leaned over to kiss her.

"But.. What's up with this Nicole chick?"

"She's my friend."

"No, she's Chelsea's friend. Not yours." She rolled her eyes.

"Drea, Nic's nothing to worry about. We're strictly friends. You sound a little jealous." I smirked. "You're spot is secured baby."

She playfully hit me. "Go check on the baby. He's probably up by now."

"Hopefully he didn't jump out of his crib." I jumped up to go and see about Devin.

Devin was awake, babbling to himself. He didn't seem to have been crying which was a plus. I got him out of his crib and carried him back to my room where I picked up my phone.

See you at work for 4, pretty boy. Got some amazing shots for you today. 🤑

No doubt boss.

Will I get to see you at the club soon Papi?

Not unless I HAVE to be at the club.

Change Me: A Dustin Breeding Story (B5) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now