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When it's not alright
When it's not ok
Will you try to make me feel better
Will you say alright
Will you say ok
Will you stick with me through whatever
Or run away?
-- Vanessa Hudgens

~ Dustin's Pov ~

After watching Nicole leave and not turn around after I mentioned my feelings for her crushed me. I stood there until someone bumped into me.

"Hey jerk, watch where you're going!" He yelled at me.

I just moved and turned around to head to my mom's house.

My drive there was silent. I couldn't do anything but focus on getting there before my emotions got the best of me.

My mom opened the door with Devin in her arms. "Dustin.." She strayed.

"She's gone," I told her. My voice cracked and filled with sadness as my tears now rolled down my cheeks. "She left."

She placed Devin down and he ran away to play as my mom grabbed me in her arms as I cried. Her face held an confused expression. Of course, she had no idea that Nicole was leaving or even if I had a feelings for her. "Who's gone Dustin?"


She was shocked. "Where and why's it got you so upset?"

"She moved back home to Michigan. She's my best friend.. And I love her."


"I messed up," I cried. "I told her to go. I acted like I didn't want her so she left." My emotions had completely took over. I grew weak and fell on the floor in front of my mother. Patrick was right.. Here I am miserable and Nicole hasn't even been gone for an hour yet.

My mother sighed. She knelt down to me and wiped my face. I knew she was tired of dealing with me and my bullshit. Every time things went crashing down in my life, I would be right at her door waiting for her to help me build it back up. She was my strength, my back bone and I know I don't treat her like I should but I do love my mother dearly. She was my rock. "Dustin.."

"It's like every time I try to love somebody they leave me... What am I doing wrong?" I put my head down.

"You're careless.." I lifted back up to look at her. "You do things and you don't think about the consequences and how the other person feels. That's what you do wrong. And you wait until Nicole leaves before you try to confess your feelings for her. Was she supposed to stay because you said that? No, but that's what you thought.."

"I thought you were on my side." I told her.

"I am, Dustin. I always have been. But like I've told you before, you need to get it together. I'm here to tell you what's right and what's wrong, keep you motivated and on your feet. But you know you're going to do what you wanna do anyways. Come on, get up." She took my hand and helped me up. "I think you and Devin should stay with me for a while.."

I nodded. She knows me so well, it's ridiculous. She knows that when I breakdown I'm going to shut down for a few days. And that's exactly what I felt like doing, shutting down and sleeping.

I went upstairs to my old room and crashed. I just wanted to sleep forever.. This feeling that I had wasn't a good feeling. I hated it. And it needed to go away.

~ Nicole's Pov ~

I just got off the plane in Detroit, Michigan. As I walked through the crowded airport, I started to remember living here. I had an okay childhood but I never thought that I'd be returning back so soon.

Change Me: A Dustin Breeding Story (B5) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now