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You're so predictable
I hate people like you.


~ Dustin's Pov ~

"Dustin, what's wrong with you?" My mom asked frantically. All she seen were tears rolling down my face and Devin with his lip poked out standing at her front door. "Come on inside.. Tell me what happened. Where's Andrea?"

"That's exactly who this is about. That's exactly why I'm like this!" I screamed. I couldn't keep my emotions under control at the moment. They were everywhere. I hated how I went from being so stable just a while ago to being angry and upset.

I sat in the living room, my legs shaking, with my head in my hands as I just cried. I just cried and cried as my mother came over to me to comfort me. "Dustin baby, talk to me."

I couldn't say anything through my wailing and I guess she understood that I just needed to cry for a minute. I felt her as she got up and walked away from me but I didn't even pick my head up to see what for. I just cried.

She came back and sat with me with Devin in her arms. "Dustin baby, you have to talk to me."

"Mama.. She... She lied to me, mama." I said through my tears. "She lied to me. After all I've done for that girl!"

"What'd she do baby?" She rubbed my back but the doorbell rang and she got up to answer it.

"If that's her tell her I don't want to talk to her! I don't want to see her." I said it, even though I was truly lying.

"What's going on?" I heard someone say from the door. It was a familiar voice. "Andrea just called me looking for Dustin after you called. She was upset and--"

"Sssh!" Mama told Kelly. "Just take your nephew for a few hours while I talk to your brother." She told him and closed the door. She walked back over to me. "I gave Devin to Kelly so we could talk. I didn't want Devin to see you down like this son. Tell me what's going on."

"Andrea's back on drugs Ma! She's smoking that shit again!" I banged my hands on her glass table.

"Dustin.. How do you know? You're not assuming are you?"

I begin to tell her the story. How I came home and my house was in a mess. I told her how everything was and she remembered this happening before. Then I told her how I just came out and asked Andrea if she was back on the shit and that she told me she was. I told her that Andrea was still involved with the dudes that broke into my house the first time and that she knew about them breaking in this time as well.

My mom was shocked. She was for sure that Andrea was clean and hell so was I. But why'd I even think she'd change?

I have always given Andrea everything she wanted ! Everything she's never had! Anything she asked for and for her to betray my love like this after E V E R Y T H I N G I've done for her is just inconsiderate and thoughtless. You have no idea what I've tried to save her from.


"I'm not even from here.. I came out to visit with some friends of mine."

"Then where are you from, Miss Lady?" I asked her.

She laughed. She thought I was so smooth. "My name is Andrea and I'm from Savannah."

"Andrea, that's a beautiful name. And I thought you would've said that you were from out of state not out of town." We shared that laugh as I walked with her outside of the club.

Change Me: A Dustin Breeding Story (B5) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now