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Baby you don't know
What you do to me
Between me and you
I feel a chemistry.


~Dustin's Pov~

"Dustin.... Dustin!" Chelsea waved her hand in my face while yelling. I snapped out of it and looked at her as she placed her hands on her hips. "Are you even listening to me?"

"Yeah, yeah.. I heard you." I replied back.

"What'd I say?"

"You said that you want me to be here for five tomorrow."

"Dustin, no I didn't. I wasn't even talking about anything work related at the moment. You've been spacing out on me these past few weeks; what's going on?"

"Nothing Chels, but seriously.. What did you say?"

She chuckled. "Khloe's birthday party is Saturday and she really wants Uncle Dustin to be there."

"Oh, of course I'll be there. I'll bring Devin as well.."

"Good. I haven't seen him in a long time. I know he's getting big."

"He is. Looking more and more like his daddy everyday." I laughed to myself.

Chelsea shook her head. "Yeah, I'm sure. Anyways, the party starts at two Dustin. And if you want to talk to someone, I'm here." She said as she noticed me slipping off again.


"I'll see you tomorrow." She walked off from me to go home for the day.

I decided to just sit here and think for a minute. Over the few weeks that have passed, I haven't had a chance to get my mind off of Andrea, plus I was told she was getting out soon. She would make it just in time for Devin's first birthday and without a place to stay or family to be with, I would be her only option to turn too.

This is when I started to regret my decision of moving her away from her family because now that she was away, they didn't fool with her because of her drug addiction plus they blamed me for it.

I knew there was no way, and I mean no way for me to love Andrea again. I couldn't do that. With her putting my son's life in danger, doing drugs while pregnant and then selling herself for drugs, I couldn't see myself with that type of woman for the rest of my life. So even though I knew that I loved her, I knew I had to love her from a distance simply because I couldn't forgive her and every time I think about situation, I get angry. I didn't need that negative energy.

I shook my head as I got up and went out to my car to head to my mom's.

The party will be @ my place. And be @ work on time tomorrow please sir! Thank you! 😉

Chelsea did her best with trying to keep me on track. I gotta give her props for trying.

Soon I made it to my mom's house and walked inside. "Mom!" I yelled out for her. "Where are you?"

"I'm here, in the kitchen baby." I heard her soft voice as I followed it towards the kitchen. "You hungry?" She asked while finishing up her dinner.

"Of course.." I rubbed my stomach. I looked to my left and saw Devin squealing for me. "Hey big man, what's up!" I walked over and got him out of his high chair.

"Look at you babying him.." Mom nagged. "I told you about that."

"Mama, I haven't seen him all day."

Change Me: A Dustin Breeding Story (B5) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now