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Since you went away
I been down and lonely
Since you went away,
I been thinkin of you
Ooooooh I'm missin you
Ooooooh I'm missin you
--LeToya Luckett


~ Dustin's Pov ~

The worst shit ever happened during the weekend. As I was getting over the small depression I had, it finally got back to the media that I was put in jail and released. I already knew it had to have been Tia. Why she was doing this? Was it making her feel better? I can't answer that at all. I really can't..

Could I catch a break?

It was like the world knew I was going through a hard time and wasn't giving me ANY slack about it at all.

Anyways, Chels called me in early about it. She wanted to go over a plan about how we'd handle the media if they were asking questions.

I sat in her office as she went through TMZ's reported posts and pictures of me. My phone chimed and I figured it was of emails and tags but it happened to be a message. It was from an unknown number.

I want money from you. ASAP. You have no choice but to give it to me. You owe me that much.

Tia. That's who it had to be.


You don't want this story to be put out do you?

You owe me 15 grand!!

Chelsea sighed. "You see how crazy it was trying to get in here? The media and reporters want answers. You need to write a statement and put it out about the situation. Tell them that it happened, don't deny it because you'd be lying and they have pictures and proof. There's no doubt in my mind that Tia did this. She's the only one with such documents."

"Right, I can't believe she still is after attention."

"You should've thought about that before you went off fucking her. All girls aren't the same. In this case, the bitch is crazy. Especially for messing with Devin." She said now going through papers.

"Oh she wants attention.. Look at this," I handed her my phone and let her see the messages Tia sent.

"How do you know it's her Dustin? This could be anybody... You got beef with some other girl? And 15 grand?! The fuck does she think she is.."

"Me and you both know it's her.." I grew frustrated.

Chels was frustrated. "Whatever, look.. Go do your photoshoot and business meeting with Mr. Finisher. If it sounds funny, don't answer it. Switch it up, answer it with another response just in case they wanna know your business too. Got it?"

I nodded and took my phone back. I got up and got ready to finish my tasks for the day so I could head back home.


After a hectic three hours of pictures and questions, I made my way out of the office. The press was still heavy. They've been waiting for hours out here trying to get an answer out of me I know. I made it to my car and headed off to the daycare to get Devin.

"Hey daddy!" He greeted me.

"Hey baby boy." I picked him up after signing him out and walking out to the car.

On the way home, Devin filled my ears with his adventures of school. He had a good day.

"Hey daddy?"

Change Me: A Dustin Breeding Story (B5) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now