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Ears closed
What I hear no one else has to know
Cause' I know
That what we have is worth first place in gold
And I'm soaked in your love
And love is right in my path, in my grasp
And me and you belong, oh...


~ Dustin's Pov ~

I was so busy with work, Devin and getting things ready for this party this week. I had no time off.. I was constantly grinding. I needed it because I had no time to think about the shit that was bothering me.

Today was the day of Khloe and Devin's party. He's been up since 8 talking about it and bothering me about when we'd be leaving to head to Chels and Kelly's house.

"Dev, in a few minutes man. Party starts at two. You won't be late." I laughed as he paced back and forth in my room.

"But daddy, my friends will be there."

"And so will you... But you haven't even put your clothes on."

"Oh," he ran out of my room to put on his clothes as I finished getting ready. Soon we were out of the house heading to Kelly's.

It was a little after one when we arrived. No one looked to be here yet so that was good. Devin and I got out and went inside.

"Hey early birthday boy!" Chelsea said as we walked into the kitchen. Devin ran straight to her.

"Hey TT!" He said to her as she picked him up. "Whatcha making?"

"Party food kiddo. Now let me finish up. Hey Dustin,"

"Finally, you greet me."

"It's not your birthday. Go on outside and help Kelly or something. You're in my space." She shooed me off. She put Devin down. "Dev, Khloe is outside by the pool."

Devin ran outside to be with his cousin and I went out to be with my brother. He was struggling trying to put up a tent.

"Daddy, I don't want it right there. I want it over here." Khloe demanded.

"Alright, alright. Spoiled brat." He mumbled.

"Kelly-Kel. What's up man!" We shook hands.

"Man, I'm hot. I'm tired. These women are driving me insane.."

I laughed. "I'm sure of it. Khloe's bossy and her mother is too. She just kicked me out the kitchen."

"Well Patrick, Bryan and Carnell should be here shortly. She'll kick them out too."

"Carnell's bringing Caiden?"

"Yep. And Denver.." He told me.

"Okay, haven't seen her in a while."

"Yeah, us either. I bet she's pregnant."

"If that was the case, I'm sure we would've known."

"Carnell doesn't tell anything."

"You're right."

Soon our brothers showed up. We all talked and got things set up while Denver and Chelsea prepared things on the inside. At two, Khloe and Devin's little friends started to arrive. They were all having a blast.

I was sitting around talking with my brothers while the kids played in the pool. Chelsea and Denver were supervising right now.

Change Me: A Dustin Breeding Story (B5) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now