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Time, some things never change here we go again
Feel like I'm losing my mind
Shake it off, let it go, I don't care any more
Just go numb
You never know until you let go
Let's go numb

~ Dustin's Pov ~

I cooked breakfast as Andrea played with Devin in the living room. He was laughing and carrying on as she talked to him and it couldn't have been more than I ever wanted for them.

Andrea was right. If I send her away to rehab, she would miss out on a lot and I don't want Devin to grow up hating his mother but she needs to get clean. She needs to.

It was the weekend and luckily I had no work to do, so I would spend my time with my family this morning and then we would head off to see a counselor but Andrea didn't know that. She didn't know what I had in store for us today.

I'm pretty sure she would take it as far to say that everything was good between us. But it wasn't.

"Food is ready." I said as I placed a plate in front of her and I held the other one. Devin would go from Andrea to me eating food from our plates.

We sat in silence as we ate. Nothing but Devin's smacking and our forks clicking against our plates and it was driving me crazy. I didn't want to keep this secret from Andrea so I had to tell her.

"Andrea.. You need to get some help." I told her calmly but I meant every word of it.

"No I don't Dustin," she kept her head down in her plate. "I'm fine." She said sternly as she eyed me then continued to eat.

I shook my head. "Why won't you just admit it? Why won't you just say you need help? You know that you do!"

"Okay, Dustin. I smoke crack from time to time but I know how to stop. I know I can quit!"

"Why can't you show me? Hm? Why won't you do this for your family? Or do you care about us? Do you care about your son? Do you not pay attention to his behind he is?"

"It's not my fault that he's behind, it's your fault. I wasn't here."

"He could possibly have a learning disability because of the amount of drugs in his system. Do you not remember how bad it was when he was born, Drea?! The doctors told us he might not make it, remember?"

"I remember Dustin."

"Okay so why won't you get clean, atleast for him. You say you love him so do that."

"There's nothing wrong with me."

I put my plate down and stood up. "Ok, get up. Let's go."

"Go where?"

"We're going to see a counselor today, so get up, get dressed and let's go."

She stood up with Devin in her arms and went upstairs to get dressed. I sighed and placed my hands on my head. Tears of relief fell down my face because I was happy she was complying. I went upstairs to get dressed so we could go.


Thirty minutes passed and I was dressed and ready. I was just waiting on Andrea to tell me that she was ready. I figured it would take her longer because she had Devin as well and he's a handful.

Change Me: A Dustin Breeding Story (B5) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now