Chapter 47

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"That was quite a speech." He mutters. "But I am glad that you don't but yourself down. It would change a thing anyway."

"Who was your first kill?" I ask. "Was it the one you had to kill during that ritual? And no, your mom doesn't count."

He sits up again and looks at me with a serious expression. "I did kill someone before the ritual. I was your age. It was a girl." He grabs both of our cups, filling them again and handing me mine. I thank him and take a sip, letting the burning liquid run down my throat. He gulps down his own before continuing. "That day I found out that I was different. My father, Ludwig and Mara all did not care about other living things.

It was the first day for father to take us with him. To kill. To destroy. Of corse it wasn't the first time for Mara nor for Ludwig but for me. It was the first time for us to go together. So we went to a village and killed them all. In the end one girl was left. Left for me to kill. I had no choice so I did it. I took the knife from my father and stepped closer to the frightened girl who tried to crawl away. I put my hand around her ankle and pulled her back while she screamed and screamed. 

I fixed my grip around the knife and sliced her throat open and let her bleed to death. Other than my father and my siblings I felt nothing but guilt after killing that poor girl."

I gulp down the rest of my drink. "So you really did care about the lifes of others. When did you stop?"

"What makes you think I ever did?"

I let out a laugh and grab the bottle to fill our glasses again. "Come on. It's obvious. You may be quite emotional now but I'm more than sure that you turned of your emotion switch a couple of times during the past at least twothousand years. Plus not too long ago you looked like a reckless killer in my eyes and killed one bye one without batting an eye."

"True." He states and gulps down a bit of the amber liquid.

I get up but sit back down, figuring the room starts spinning. "Woah." I breathe out. I groan and slowly try to get up again. I slowly try to walk but that is harder than I thought. "Can the ground please stop moving?"

I hear a deep chuckle behind me and turn around to find an amused John. "You sure you should walk around after drinking that much?"

"No, I don't think I should but why would I listen to whatever you say little master of the magic box people?" I say pointing at him.

"So you still remember that? That will haunt me for the rest of my life, wouldn't it?" He sighs and gets up. "You should listen to me because you are my maid."

I raise an eyebrow and let out a laugh. "No I'm not." I tild my head to the side. "I am not your mate, am I? And here I thought I was drunk..."

He chuckles again. "You are drunk. And I said maid not mate."

"In that case... I still don't have to listen what you say." I say pushing him back on the bed and sitting down on top of him.

He looks at me with a questioning expression and asks. "And why is that?"

"Because..." I say. "We are at your brothers. And you told me yourself that as long as we are here I no loner am your maid."


I chuckle to myself and get up again. I walk over to the closet as slow as possible to not fall and open my dress. Opening the closet and not seeing anything comfortable I sigh and just get rid of my dress.

"What are you doing?"

"Getting rid of an uncomfortable dress." I say in a duh tone. I turn back around and walk back to the bed while Johns eyes are fixed on me with his eyes wide like... I don't know what. Maybe like one of these really cute animals but I forgot their name... I wonder why he is staring at me like that... did I just turned into a unicorn or what?

"Unicorns... I like unicorns..."

"What?" He laughs out and it is only now that I realize I said those words out loud.

"Nothing." I say while throwing myself on the bed. I snuggle myself into John's chest and cover myself with a blanket. Just when I'm about to fall asleep he speaks.


I open my eyes again and blink a few times. "What is it?"

"You're not planning to sleep naked, are you? You might be ok with it now but tomorrow you'll kill me." He says while laughing. "I'll get you a shirt of mine."

"Noo." I groan. "Don't go."

"Ok." He chuckles again. "Then take this shirt." He sits up and takes off his shirt, handing it to me.

"Thanks." I mutter half asleep. I pull it over my head and snuggle myself back into the warmth of John's chest.

I close my eyes again and comfortable darkness surrounds me. John presses a kiss against my forehead and whispers. "Good night, Amanda."

Surrounded by the darkness everything else drifts apart not leavin room for memories or people or reality. I feel myself falling deeper and deeper until siddenly a calm and female voice appears. 

"Hello Amanda."


Sooo... well the chapter didn't take me too long to finish after all xD

I hope you like it♡

Tell me what you think♡

Yours Mel♡ 

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