Hidden places

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Shinoa P.O.V

I stayed close to Yuu-San, following him though the darkness.
I clutched the blanket that was over my shoulders as I kept following him. I made sure not to get caught by him as it would be the end of me if anyone found out that I was following him.

Suddenly he whipped around and examined his surroundings.
I hid behind a destroyed car and waited till I heard him walking again. I once again tip toed behind him and eventually he came across a tall structure that was at least 100 feet tall.

It had a rickety ladder and some broken windows and there were big locks on all of the doors. He started climbing up the latter while I watched from the darkness.

After a while, I could no longer see him. I got worried and I folded the large blanket to make it smaller and then I tied it around my neck. I grabbed the rickety ladder and began climbing up.

Once I was up,I saw a big balcony and Yuu-San was sitting there crying his eyes out. Seeing him like this shattered my heart into a million pieces and made me want to hug him and stay by his side forever but why?

"Shinoa, you can come out I now, you've been following me"


I slowly stepped closer to him and said

" I was only following you to make sure that you weren't doing anything pervy"

He just looked at me with his eyes that were red from crying. I sat down next to him and asked

"So why we're you crying?"
He wiped away a few stray tears that were resting on his cheeks.


"It's ok, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to"
He nodded and we both sat there in silence for a few seconds.

He said after a while

"Mika...... I thought he died but now I see him only to be taken away by the vampires"

I say as he hugs his knees and hides his face from me.

I take one of my hands and intertwine my fingers with his, making him look up at me.

"I'm sorry..... I must look so pathetic"

He tried laughing but I could tell he was hurting worse than he ever had before.

"No ,you don't.I     f Mahiru had been alive all this time I would have reacted the same way"
I said trying to calm him down a bit.

"Besides I'll help you"


"I'll help you get Mika-San back"
I said giving him a small smile.

"Thanks but why? He's not your problem......"

"Because we're your family and so is Mika-San. Besides ,you can't keep crying forever.
It was starting to get cold.
I shivered a bit.

"Thank you so much........."
I smiled

"Of course, by the way ,what is this place?"

Yuu's P.O.V

"Of course, by the way ,what is this place?"
Shinoa asked

I let go of her hands and rested them on the ground and looked into the distance.

"Well, when Guren first found me I had a lot to think about. I was walking one day and found this abandoned watch tower.  I came here whenever I needed to be alone or when I needed to think. I haven't been here in a long time. I love this place it's so high off of the ground that it's like my own little world"
I really can't remember the last time I came here...............

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