Day four

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A/n: hiiii guys OMG I'm soooo excited because.............................
This story has over 600 views and over 50 votes thank you so much!!😍❣😘‼️💖 I love you guys so much and I really do hope you are liking my fanfiction so far😘 you guys really are awesome!!!!!


Shinoa's P.O.V

I was in my room with Miichan as we were trying to piece the pieces together to figure out who might have written the letter.
Uuuuugh it's been 4 days since I received the letter and I still can't figure out who left the letter.

"Sooo.....any idea who it might be yet?" 
Miichan decided to ask.

I shook my head as I replied
"Not yet but I know who it definitely isn't the one who left the letter"

she asked almost immediately after I had finished speaking.

"Well it's impossible that it could be Yoichi since he doesn't spend much time with me. But it could still only be Yuu-San or Haru-San"

She nodded and said
"so who's most likely to have left the letter?"

" well I think it might be Yuu-San ...." I said blushing slightly remembering yesterday's incident

She asked almost shouting.

" well... He did sleep with me 2 days ago because I was having nightmares and....."
I was cut of by Miichan shouting

"You WHAT?!?!?!?!?!"

" calm down not like that ok!!"
" ohh...." She said looking a little embarrassed that she had thought wrong

" anyway you were saying..."
"Well yes after my nightmares the next day I felt a pleasurable but painful sensation on my chest......."

"AND WHAT WAS IT?!?!?!?!?!?!"

"Well..... I opened my eyes to see Y-Yuu-San grasping one of my breasts while bleeding from his nose.........."

She looked completely shocked at what I had just said .

she Shouted

"Calm down he said it was an accident!!"

"People don't start feeling on you accidentally!!!! Or did you actually enjoy it?!?!"

I was shocked at her question as I thought of the answer cautiously.Not forming a real answer I decided to reply.

"To be honest I don't know "

"What do you mean you don't know?!?!?!?!?! You either liked it or not!!!!!!!!!"
She yelled at my face looking really embarrassed.

I shouted back my face getting hotter and hotter.

"SO?!?!?! DID YOU LIKE IT OR NOT ?!?!?!?!"
She shouted getting more and more impatient.

"I..I ... I DID!!" I shouted getting redder and immediately regretting what I said .I covered my face with my hands not believing what I just said.

"Shinoa..... Do you like Yuu?"

Miichan said looking a bit concerned.
I looked up and removed my hands from my face.

"I don't know....... Yet"

Yuu's P.O.V

Yoichi had scheduled another hang out session with Kimizuki at his room. As I was passing by I heard shouting coming from Shinoa's room. I decided to ignore it but I instantly changed my mind when I heard my name in their conversation.
I put my head up against the door to listen better and I heard Shinoa say

"Well yes after my nightmares the next day I felt a pleasurable but painful sensation on my chest........"


Mitsuba screamed immediately after Shinoa was done talking then once more I heard Shinoa speak

"Well........... I opened my eyes to see Y-Yuu-San grasping one of my breasts while bleeding from his nose........."

I felt my face redden when I heard Shinoa mentioned me feeling on her yesterday. I put all my embarrassment aside and kept listening.

I heard Mitsuba shout.

"Calm down he said it was an accident!!"
Shinoa tried to calm her down.

"People don't start feeling on you accidentally!!!!!!!or did you actually enjoy it?!?!?!?!?!?!"
Mitsuba shouted back at Shinoa.

There was a long pause before anyone spoke again. At this point I was so embarrassed I was sweating and shaking.

Then Shinoa spoke again
"To be honest I don't know "

"What do you mean you don't know?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? You either liked it or not!!!!!!!!!!"


"SO ?!?!?!DID YOU LIKE IT OR NOT?!?!?!?!?!"

"I...I..I DID!!"

I felt my heart beat faster and I felt something wet and slimy on my nose. I brought my hand up to my nose and touched the slimy substance with my fingers.
I then brought my fingers down again and saw that the slimy substance was blood. I wiped my nose with my hand but more blood just kept coming out. I heard Mitsuba speak once more

" you like Yuu?"

And once again there was silence.shinoa broke the silence by saying

"I don't know....yet."

I was about to knock on the door when I felt someone tap my shoulder. I looked over my shoulder to see Yoichi standing next to me.

"Yuu-kun what are you doing?"

"Ahh yoichi I was just passing by-"

I was cut off by yoichi looking very worried and saying

"Yuu-kun what happened to your nose?!?"

I had forgotten that my nose was bleeding and I instinctively tried to hide it.

" I uumm..... Slammed my face with the door......."

I lied . At this point I was sick and tired of all the confused emotions I was having so said 'fuck it he's my best friend he has a right to know'

" you know what? I'm just gonna tell you I already know I need help"

So I told him about the Incident and about all of the emotions that I had swirling inside of me.When I finished explaining Yoichi grinned and asked

"Yuu-kun do you like Shinoa-chan?"

When I heard this I blushed madly , and for some reason I started thinking back to all the times that she made me blush or made my heart race , and even when she made my heart throb with anger or jealousy.

I realized that whenever I was with her , I always felt happy , and even though she teased me more than I liked , I knew that I cared for her deeply . I decided that now there was no point in hiding my feelings for her.I was certain I was completely in love with Shinoa Hīragī.

" I guess I do"

I said blushing and smiling like an idiot. Yoichi was grinning like an idiot himself I could tell it was hard for him to contain his excitement but yet he managed to maintain it. Instead of bursting out in tears of joy like I would have expected he just said

" don't worry Yuu-kun I'll help you win her heart. But for now let's have some fun with Kimizuki."

He took me by the arm and walked me over to his room. I didn't know if Shinoa liked me back but I was hoping with all of my heart that she had the same feeling for me as I did for her.

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