Lost in the woods(part 1)

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With Guren and the others

"We're in that idiot?! he should be here with Shinoa by now!!"
Mitsuba said, obviously angry at Yuu.

"Relax Mitsu, I'm sure Yuu-Kun and Shinoa-chan will be here any minute."
Yoichi reasoned.

" he'd better not be doing anything with her while they're alone......"
Kimizuki said.

"Would you brats shut up? If they're not here in 5 minutes we'll go look for them."

Guren shouted from on top of a tree.

.~.~.~.~.~five minutes later.~.~.~.~.~

"They're still not here!!!!!"

Mitsuba shouted

"That damn brat, let's go look for them"
Guren said walking up to Mitsuba with his own squad behind him.

"Guren-sama, what about the vehicles?"
Mito asked

"Well, we obviously can't take them further inside, the forest is way too dense, so we'll be walking "
Guren replied

"Aren't we gonna split up?"
Mitsuba questioned

"Yeah, that actually wouldn't be a bad idea..... Your squad will go one way and my squad will go a separate way, we'll meet here in 2 hours, if we don't find them then we'll leave and come back tomorrow. Oh and take this "
Guren said handing Mitsuba a walkie talkie and already walking away with his squad.

Mitsuba carefully put the walkie talkie inside of the pocket on her JIDA uniform.

"Well, which way?"
Kimizuki asked feeling a bit impatient

"That way"
Mitsuba said pointing in the direction of a large tree.

They began to walk further into the woods, they came across a sign that said 'this way!!!!!'

They immediately started walking in the direction of the sign. They kept walking until they couldn't walk anymore because of the broken cliff in front of them. Yoichi walked closer only to be stopped by Mitsuba.

"Wait, we might have found something, look at those footprints"
Mitsuba said while pointing at some footprints on the ground

"But those are way to big to be the idiot's or Shinoa's "
Kimizuki reasoned

"It might not be yuu-Kun's or Shinoa-chan's but we could at least check them out, right mitsu?"
Yoichi added
"Yeah but the footprints end at the edge of the broken cliff........... Unless.............."
Mitsuba said

"Unless what?!?!"
Kimizuki and Yoichi asked

"Unless whoever was here fell along with a part of the cliff......... But why would there be a sign that says 'this way' if there's a cliff?"
Mitsuba said

"Maybe...............maybe the vampires put that sign up to use it as a trap"
Kimizuki concluded

"Oh no!!!! What if yuu and Shinoa fell?!?!? But then again what if the vampires were the ones that fell....."
Mitsuba said

"Well then let's stop wasting time, and go investigate, we can use that tree to climb down "
Kimizuki said, pointing to a tree up the side of the cliff.
"Fine but if anyone of us dies, it's your fault Kimizuki "
Mitsuba said glaring at Kimizuki
"Even if one of us dies, you can't stay mad at me, you love me remember?"
Kimizuki smirked at Mitsuba

"I'm not even gonna ask "
Yoichi said as Mitsuba's face erupted in a crimson red color, as she began to climb down the tree.

With yuu and Shinoa

Yuu's P.O.V

Haruki was in front of us, and I prepared to fight him. I used the little space between us to clear some distance, suddenly I heard a cracking noise, and I cringed.

I looked down at our feet and saw that the earth had begun to crack.
Shinoa said with a frightened tone in her voice.

Suddenly the earth cracked completely.

I instantly grabbed Shinoa and buried her in my embrace. She squeezed and held on to me for dear life.

The part of the earth we were standing on slid under us, taking me and Shinoa with it.

We both screamed as we fell faster and faster.

I tightened my embrace around her and in turn, she buried her head into my chest. At this point, if I died saving her, I wouldn't mind dying because if dying meant saving her life, then I would gladly trade my life for hers.

We kept falling, my back facing the ground that seemed as if it were millions of miles away. Shinoa clung on to me as we kept falling, my back crashing into tree branches and part of my uniform being torn.

Some branches scraped my face, my arm, and legs, leaving marks and cuts on my body.
The pain was almost too much to bear, but I had to be strong, without me she would die all alone.

The branches managed to cushion our fall, but not enough to stop me from passing out when we landed on the ground with a gigantic thud!!!!.

Shinoa's P.O.V

I clung onto Yuu-San and squeezed my eyes shut as we fell faster and faster. His back crashed into tree branches. I flinched and cried out into his chest every time he crashed into a branch.

As soon as we landed on the ground with a gigantic thud!!!, his eyes fluttered a few times before closing completely. His arms became limp around me, and they started falling off of my back, and onto the ground at his sides.

I sat up on his torso and removed my arms from his back. I looked at his face, and I didn't see anything move. My eyes widened like saucers, and I immediately grabbed his shoulders and started shaking him and shouting like a maniac.

Tears started flowing out of my eyes like a never-ending river.

"YUU-SAN!!!!!!!!YUU-SAN!!!!! DON'T LEAVE ME!!!!!! WE NEED YOU!!!!!I NEED YOU!!!!!! "
I put my head down in the middle of his chest and continued to cry.

His scent, his sweet yet, strong, refreshing scent, I'll never get to smell it again............

You idiot, why did you risk your life, to save me?

"Yuu-San........ You are an idiot.......... You should have left me..............you shouldn't have come.............. Like my demon said I'm just a crybaby midget that puts you all in danger because I can't protect myself ................................
please, Yuu-San doesn't leave me I .................. I.................love you............."
I whispered into his chest and immediately regretted the last thing I said.

I felt my face heating up as I screeched in anger, confusion, and fear of losing him.

"Yuu-San without you I would be nothing, I would still be the asshole I was back then when I first met you."
I kept crying into his chest. I sat up on his torso and once again looked at his bloodstained face. I brushed his hair away from his face, and looked at his closed eyelids and imagined his beautiful green eyes, his bright reassuring smile, the expressions he made whenever I teased him and his deep yet soft voice.

I remember everything I had come to admire about him, as this would probably be the last time I would ever get to see him.

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