38:All Grown Up

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I couldn’t help but to spend every single second smiling at my stomach. A baby, it really surprised me that I was having a baby.

Now I had to be going through my women stages where I was going to get fat and eat like a hot dog champion.

Then Cory came to my mind and the panic came over me. Cory a father, I could see him as one but telling him was going to be hard.

I sat on the couch and wrote on my notebook of possible baby names that both Cory and I were going to agree with.

“Hmm, it’s good to see my daughter smiling once in a while.” my dad said and kissed me on the cheek.

“Yeah hopefully it could stay that way,” I said and put my notebook down and looked at my dad and saw him dressed in his finest making me smile, “Where you headed ?” I questioned and he smiled from ear to ear.

“Well remember the nurse that would take care of me during the weekday after hours?” he asked and I smiled.

Nurse Amy was a beautiful woman she was half black and Indian and she really cared about my dad day in and day out. Even when he got released from the hospital she called and even came over and checked on him. This woman literally cared for my dad just like my mother, just the way she cared for him and laughed with him made me cherish every moment my mom had with him.

“I like her, she could make a great grandmother,” I said quickly going back to the names list trying to avoid what I just said and smiled.

“What? Please tell me you didn’t just say that, grandmother? Alia please tell me what’s going on.” He questioned.

I hid my face with the notebook and he took the notebook showing my red face.

“Alia Shane, you know better than that to keep a secret from your father, now what’s going on?” he asked and I cleared my throat.

“Well I know you guys told me to have a baby when I’m ready and I knew this wasn’t planned but surprise!” I laughed and he looked at me.

His whole face had shock written all over it then his eyes started welling up with tears and pulled me into a hug. My heart was already hitting a soft spot.

“I’m proud of you, I know that you’re a woman now and could take care of this child, but who is the lucky man that will be raising this child with you?” he asked and I took a deep breath.

“His name is Cory smith,” I answered.

“Is he committed into raising this child as much as you are?” he asked and that I think that was the only thing that I couldn’t answer. As much as I wanted to I didn’t know the answer one hundred percent.

I put my head down and sighed, “Well I haven’t discussed it with him yet which I’m trying to get to and hopefully I get a positive answer from him about the baby.”

He looked at me and kissed me on the forehead; at least he understood and didn’t give me the longest speech in the world.

“Well I’ll tell you this, you are about to be a mother, you be the best parent that you can be with or without him alright, and if he does say that he will be apart of this child’s life I do plan on seeing him,” he smiled and grabbed his keys, “I’ll see you later on tonight don’t wait on me.” he joked and I burst out laughing rolling my eyes.

He walked out the door and I looked straight at my phone and just thought about it, I think I should call him.


Right now it was just me and my lab partner Erica going over some notes that I had stupid problems over ever since Alia left. I swear she was the only person who could really help me with math, I mean Erica was a nice girl but she aint never teach like how Alia did. Just think about her made me miss her even more.

“So you think you understand it now?” she said leaning over me as her voluptuous breasts stared at me and I just cleared my throat and looked down at the worksheet.

“Yeah I think I got it now,” I sighed and continued my work and she slowly licked her lips and started kissing me on the neck. The kisses felt good but I wasn’t up for cheating on Alia no matter how far she was from me.

I shrugged her off and she looked at me puzzled, “I think its time for you to go, study time is over.”

She rolled her eyes grabbing her purse walking out the door; I wasn’t in the mood to be talking to any other female but.

*ding ding*

I looked at my computer screen and saw Alia calling me, making me smile so damn hard.

I pressed the answer call and was greeted by her face which made me smile even more.

“Hey baby!” she smiled and I smiled from ear to ear.

“Wassup baby, how’s everything going with you? I missed you,” I said and she pouted her lip.

“I miss you too, how are classes going?” she asked and I sighed.

“You know you the only girl who could get my mind stimulated and all.” she burst out laughing.

“I know I did,” she laughed, “How’s football?”

“Well I got an interview with ESPNU in a few days so I’m excited about that.”

“That’s good,” she said and we stayed quiet for about three minutes until I couldn’t take the silence anymore, “Well we have to talk about something,”

I looked at her and her face meant seriousness.

“Well what’s up?”

“Um do you want straight forward or slow and steady?” she asked.

“Straight for-”

“I’m pregnant…”

I felt my heart literally strain in my heart, did she just say pregnant? Alia pregnant, I mean part of me was happy but the other part was questioning that I was going to have to be a father away from my child.

“Ummm when did you find out?”

“About a few days ago, I had to tell you only because you are the father.”

I started smiling from ear to ear; I was going to be a father.

“When’s your next doctors appointment?”

“In about a month why?”

“Even though I have these games going on, I will be there for my child, I might miss a few appointments but I do want to be there for the first one.”

She smiled, “Cory?”


“Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”

“I love you.”

I smiled, “I love you too and this baby.”

I was becoming a father that was the only thing that was coming up on my mind. Alia and I becoming parents that was the best thing to happen to me ever. I may have been young but at the same time I think I could be the best father.

So it took me while to actually come up with this chapter but I actually did! So how do you think Cory is going to handle having a child and dealing with football at the same time??? Plus if you have any question for any character in the story please write in the comments! Remember 20 comments and i'll upload the next chapter literally on time!

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