Chapter 28. Glass like eyes.

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The ride in the car home was silent, Christina bought me a new phone, I told her I'd pay her back but she was having none of it. I was riding shot gun and as we pulled up to Jason's house, I saw Jolene and Jason out front. Jason was doing something to his car and Jo was watching him. He saw us pull up and he instantly dropped what he was doing and ran over to the car. I undid my seatbelt as Christina turned of the engine, I went to open my car door but it was already open. Jason held his hand out to me and I gratefully took it. He helped me out of the car and began walking me to the door.
"Was Jake nice to you?" He whispered in my ear.
"Yeah, is he feeling okay? He was really nice to me and it has me concerned for his mental health."
"I don't know, maybe he feels bad. I went to your house and grabbed some of your stuff, you know, the stuff you might need. Clothes, toothbrush hairbrush, make up." Jason said as he opened the door.
"Thank you." I whispered before he led me down several corridors to the spare room. I went inside and my stuff was in there.
"My mum cancelled our trip because she said you're more important. She's right. I'd rather be here with you than in some lake house." I sat down on the bed and was accompanied by Jason.
"Are you serious? She shouldn't have done that." I said laying down. Jason laid next to me.
"I'm dead serious. I'd give up anything if you needed me." I smiled at him as I turned on my side. He then wrapped his arm around me and held me close. We laid there for a while and I felt myself drifting off to sleep. Before I knew it, I was engulfed in my dreams. Oh wait, sorry, nightmares.

As I ran across the green grass I could here Blake laughing behind me as we chased each other. We'd been playing tag for ages and it was nearly dark. Mother had left yesterday and Blake and I already missed her. But we were still having fun in the garden. Father came out and called us in for dinner. I sat at the table eating away. Me and Blake threw a couple of peas at each other. We eventually got told off when one landed in fathers drink. We still giggled about it though. I noticed however father seemed more crestfallen than normal. My curiosity got the better of me when I asked him why he seemed this way. He told me that it didn't matter and I should just brush it off. I did. Brush it off. That's all I did. After dinner, Blake and I went back out to play tag again. Half way through the game, Blake was called inside by father. He told me to wait outside. I trudged over to the tyre swing and I sat in it for a little while. It seemed like eternity had passed before Blake can back outside again. All he did was pick up his jacket from the ground and walk towards the door again. I called after him. He ignored me. I ran over and grabbed his arm. He shrugged away my hand. He told me to leave him alone. I asked why he didn't want to play anymore.
"It's time we grow up! Stop acting like a kid!" He ran inside. I was left outside. I stood among the autumn leaves of October by myself, I didn't understand. Why would Blake leave me like that? I went inside to figure it out.
"Blake!" I shouted running around the house I found no one. I looked to the floor and saw a trail of mud prints. I knew they were Blake's. Stupidity was my best friend as he guided me to follow them. I followed them to my fathers room. I knew shouldn't go inside, but I heard my brother crying. So I hung outside for a bit, only to hear the conversation. I heard my father tell Blake my mother was dead. They didn't even want me to know. That's when I screamed. My father came rushing out and picked me up.
"Ellen, Honey, what are you doing?"
"Is she? Is she actually dad? Is mum gone?" My father shook his head. My father put me down and I turned around. I was then confronted with my mothers dead body. On the floor in front of me. She was coughing up sea water. Her hair was soaked through and her make up ran down her face. Her glass like eyes shot open as she stared at me and screamed. Loudly. It was deafening. It's all I could hear. She drowned in water but I was drowning in her screams.
"Mummy stop screaming!" I heard my self shout. But I wasn't loud enough. I could not stop her. I couldn't bring her back.

"Ellen!" My eyes stung as I opened them in a split second. The bright light of the room blinded me. But something was in my way. A figure was on top of me. Staring at me with complete trepidation in their eyes. I squinted realising it was Jolene.
"I'm sorry, Jason went out and told me he'd be back soon, but I heard you crying so I came in and you were sleep crying. Then you started screaming and I didn't know what to do so I woke you up and I'm so sorry." She anxiously stated. I hugged her tightly, to say thank you and sorry.
"It's okay, I'm happy you woke me up, but don't tell anyone about this okay?" I asked her. I knew that if Jason found out, or Christina or anyone else, they'd expect me to take medication or something. But there's no cure. I've said it before and I'll say it again, there's nothing wrong with me, it's all just my mind.

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