Part 2

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Harry's P.O.V.

It is 10:36 p.m., and I am currently sitting on the couch just staring at my laptop. As the night had set in, the screen slowly became brighter and I knew that if i didn't go to bed soon, I would soon get a headache. As I began to close the screen a sudden shadow startled me. I remembered she was still here.

Molly stood in the middle of the open doorway, her eyes were bloodshot and puffy, showing she had cried more since I had put her in bed, seeing that she was hardly able to speak after the police left. Her long legs were fully noticeable in my shirt she had allowed me to put on her. Her hair brown was tousled and fanned over her shoulders giving away that she had been tossing and turning.

The police had suggested for me to take her to the hospital, but at the state she was in I knew she just wanted to sleep and be left alone.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to disturb you." She whispered, bringing me out of my thoughts.

"Oh, No... You're fine. I was just about to head into the other room to sleep." I quickly replied so she wouldn't feel guilty.We both were still just looking at one another in the darkness of the room as if we were studying each other's appearance.

"You can come sit with me... If you want" I said to take away some of the awkwardness.

She slowly made her way towards the couch and supirsed me when she sat closer to me then i had expected.

Her body was tense and I could tell she felt a little unsure what to do with herself considering the recent events. I began to think about her and how this was going to really effect her, even if they caught the guy. She was never going to trust anyone, or let anyone near her ever again. It's almost as if I felt her walls being built up right in front of me.

"Why did you help me?" She scanned my eyes, begging for an answer.

The question took me by surprise, "What do you mean?" I responded.

"Like" she started, "why did you feel the need to help me not knowing what had happened?" She sighed.

I quickly think back to the conversation she had with the police. All of the detail that she included, and the graphicness of everything. Step by step, she was reliving it, and my heart broke for her in that moment. She noticed my facial features soften and she quickly looked away as a tear broke free.

"Hey, please don't cry" I practically begged her. I continued on, answering her question, "I helped you because you were a young girl alone, in a dark ally crying. You had violent bruises and scrapes on your legs. I couldn't just leave you there, I don't know how I would live with myself. Plus, if anyone ever did that to my sister, I can only hope someone would help her."

Her eye shot back to me following my statement, and then to her legs to examine the marks. As she ran her tiny fingers over the deep scratches she opened her mouth to speak. "I didn't even know these were here." Her voice cracked as she spoke. Her gaze met mine again, and she lost it. Tears were staining her shirt, her body was shaking with her forceful sobs. Not knowing what to do with her hands, she bowed her head in them.

I was quick to react and pulled her into me. The smell of her hair immediately took over all of my senses. Her arms clung to me as her whole body heaved up and down. I rubbed my hand over her back in large circles in an attempt to sooth her, but I knew deep down no one could help her now. She still hadn't completely processed what had happened.

After her breathing slowed and her body became still, I looked towards the clock realizing it was 12:08 AM. I quietly and carefully picked her up without trying to touch her bruises, nervous to wake her.

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