Part 75

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July 2nd

"Come on man, we gotta go!" Louis wailed across the room on front of everyone as I kissed Molly and Em for the last time.

"I love you and I'll see you tomorrow" I said walking toward the front door leaving her alone for a while until all her friends showed up.

"Ok, alright!" She replied as Louis literally dragged me out.  Michael, Andrew, Morgan's boyfriend, Derek, the other Derek that is a lawyer, and a few others followed us out.  They waved to Molly as we walked out of the room, but I wanted to stay,  

"I just wanted to kiss her!" I whined, smacking Louis's head as we jogged down the steps.

"Yeah, and for the 10th time in the past 20 minutes" He retaliated.  We both climbed  into his car and the others into their own.

"So, the plan is to get our hotel rooms, have some pool time this afternoon, go out tonight, get slightly buzzed, go back to the hotel and just hang out.  Then, when we wake up in the morning we'll get ready and head back so you can get married!" He said confidently.

"You're such a girl" I said looking out the window.

"I may be that, but at least I'm a good best man." He said pointing his finger.

"That literally made no sense whatsoever." I scoffed.

"Exactly!" He finished as I shook my head and we drove on.

Molly's P.O.V

By the time everyone arrived, I began to get anxious about the impending doom that is marriage. Just kidding.

All of us were sitting around the dining room table and kitchen island planning out the night.  All of us shared what we wanted to do when Addi suddenly started talking over everyone.

"So, I organized your catering to come and do lunch for us today!  So let's move this to the backyard!" She said pointing, and I looked at her in surprise.

In total there were ten of us.  Addi, Morgan, Gemma, El, my two good friends from high school Dorothy, and Madison along with some girls from the studio Sara, Ivory, Danielle and Heather, my bridesmaids. All except Addi, who I had asked to be my maid of honor, considering these past 3 years.

Lunch had sped by, and I loved getting to talk with all of the girls.  It was so nice to have all of my best friends together in one space.  As it became dark outside, and there was a chill in the air, we decided to retreat inside, and watched TV.  I looked to em on my lap, and saw she was falling asleep.  I decided to take her to bed, uttering something to my friends with the effect of "be right back".  

"Are you sleepy?" I whispered to her as I placed her in her crib.  She gripped the side as I held her up so she could stand, she blabbered some incoherent noises and I smiled at her.

"Just think tomorrow. it's all gonna be over and we start from scratch." I said to her, looking into her bright blue eyes, wishing she could understand how much she meant to Harry and I.

"Tomorrow I get married to daddy and you get to be the flower girl as Louis and Addi bring you down the aisle.

Her smile growing the more I talked to her but also the more her eyes were telling me she was tired and I knew she wasn't gonna last the entire day tomorrow.

"Do you want mommy to be quiet so you can go to sleep?" I asked her and she sat down in her crib still holding onto the railings.

"Yeah?" I said smiling as I layed her back down and tucked her in and bent down kissing her forehead.

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