Part 9

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Harry's P.O.V

I watched Molly leave the kitchen and start up the stairs. As soon as she was out of sight, I lost it. The next thing I knew, the bowl she was eating out of had been flung across the room and my fist had made contact with the wall. My knuckle split open and I started to bleed instantly.

I sat there with a white towel covering my hand for 15 minutes before Molly came back downstairs, she took one look at the towel almost completely covered with my blood and began to panic. Her instincts reacted soon after and she rushed over to me.

"Follow me" She instructed, I stood up and followed her to the downstairs bathroom. She looked through all the cabinets as I stood there, oblivious to everything. She finally found what she was looking for and began rummaging through the first aid kit. She took my hand and stuck it under the sink, she began to examine it and poured some liquid over it and it started to burn. The pain ripped me out of my daze.

"HOLY SHIT!" I screamed and took my hand from her grasp. She reached back for it and began to pour it again, completely tuning out my shouting. I watched in horror as it began to fizz and turn white.

"I have to clean this and get the particles out before you get an infection." She informed me not making eye contact. She poured the liquid once more and took out tweezers beginning to take out little shards of debris. I winced in pain each time and she seemed to notice but ignored me.

When she was done, I sat on the toilet as I was beginning to feel dizzy. She walked over to me and began to wrap my hand with a few bandages. She completed what she was doing and started to pick things up. I reached for her hand and she turned around to face me. I looked at our hands that were connected as I sat there just staring into her blue eyes. To say like her eyes were blue was to say grass was green, it's natural. She kneeled down to meet my gaze and pushed a few loose strands of hair out of my face, but she didn't take her hand away from my cheek. Instead, she left it there and looked back into my eyes. I glanced at her lips and began to lean in faster than I had before. I had such an aching need for her lips on mine. Just as we were about to collide, doorbell went off. She was startled by it and was standing up just as fast as she had kneeled down.

I exited the bathroom and answered the door to reveal my lawyer Derek. We shook hands and I showed him to the living room where Molly now stood.


Molly's P.O.V

Derek shook my hand as he entered the room, but I couldn't think properly. This time was different. I felt almost as if he wanted to kiss me- and that had a different effect on me then before. The previous times were out of comfort, but this time was indescribable. The one word that came to mind was: different.

The entire meeting with Derek felt like a blur. I heard keywords, but couldn't make any sense out of it because my head was spinning. Luckily, Harry knew what he was doing. They were both using fancy legal terms, and I just kept nodding my head. I excused myself at one point and headed into the kitchen.

I stood at the sink just observing the familiar room when I heard Harry enter.

"You alright?" He asked cautiously.

"No" I replied turning around. Harry looked down at his hands and nodded his head.

"Sorry that was a stupid question." He stated. I shook my head disagreeing with him.

"Derek has to ask you some questions." He said gently. I just nodded my head and entered the living room.

I sat across from Derek and Harry entered, leaning against the wall facing me. He gave me a look of apology and I returned it with half a smile.

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