Part 65

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Harry's P.O.V

When I climbed into bed with Molly it was nearly 1AM and each hour, the same nurse would come in and do what she had to only to leave again. It was a never ending cycle, Molly would just begin to fall asleep, a nurse would wake her up to take her vitals, and then leave, just to return in another hour.  Molly could fall back asleep but my anticipation kept me wide awake. By 4:30 I I slid out from beneath Molly to go pee,  but I wasn't successful and she woke up turning to me.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you" I say honestly.

"It's okay." Her voice a whisper, as I looked at her. A few moments go by before I see her dozing off again but she jolts back awake.

"Harry" She she began to hyperventilate, panicking.

"Yeah?" I reciprocated the panic.

"Can you get a nurse?" She said turning to me. "I think my water broke." She revealed and I left the room rather quickly, searching for a nurse.  Once I found her, I blabbered on about Molly and trying to get her to the room as fast as possible.

"Don't worry, it could still be a while" She said, sauntering down the hall.

"Yeah, well I would not like to take that chance!" I huffed, walking quickly down the hall.

After the nurse arrived, Molly began to squirm in pain.

"How's it goin, hun?" the nurse asked, checking the machine tracking her contractions.

"Its getting a bit more painful." she breathed, squirming a bit as I felt helpless watching her.  

"Well, that's a good sign, seems she wants to come meet ya, huh?"  The annoyingly calm  woman tried soothing Molly and I thought it was beginning to work.  

The doctor walked in seconds later, snapping gloves on and sitting on a stool at the end of Molly's bed.  "Your water sure did break, Ms. Robinson! 6 centimeters now, almost there!"  She chirped, smiling.  "I'll be in more often now, but keep eating some ice chips, which reminds me, Linda, can you go grab this wonderful woman some ice chips?"  She said with a huge grin while throwing her gloves away.  

The nurse bowed out as well as the doctor and Molly turned to me, "Harry, why the fuck is our doctor so damn happy."  

"I don't know Molls, I don't know."

About an hour later, Molly began to squirm and shout as her contractions intensified.

"Harry?" She half wailed in between contractions.

"I'm here!" I answered her, looking her in the eyes and pushing hair out of her forehead.

"I'm scared." She whimpered through the pain and I could tell the doctors and nurses thought it was almost time because they began to set up the room.

"You're going to do so well Molls, and not even just with this, but being a mom too." I told her pushing her sweaty hair out of her face.

"It will all be over soon and she will be here. After everything in the past two years, this will all make it  worth it." I said and she laughed through the pain.  I knew, as much as Molly needed that, I needed to hear it too.

"You're doing great." I said bringing my voice back to a whisper and I leaned in to kiss her. Our lips lingered for a moment before another contraction took over and I said anything I could to make her feel better.

"Molly, Harry?" We heard and I turned my head around each of us looking up. "Are you both ready?" The doctor asked and I turned to Molly who was now starting to sweat but nodded in reply.

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