Part 19

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Harry's P.O.V

7:48 AM

I grabbed both of our bags that we had packed yesterday after the doctors and she followed me to the car. I knew she was still tired but it was a 6 hour drive to the venue so I knew she would sleep on the way there.

I pulled on the road and switched on the radio quietly as she leaned against the side of the car, she closed her eyes and drifted back to sleep.

Hours passed like minutes and she finally woke up at 12:38 as I was getting ready to get lunch.

"Hey sleepyhead" I said jokingly.

"Hi" She kept her voice quiet.

"What do you want for lunch?" I said.

"Whatever you want" She replied and I pulled in macdonalds. Her eyes lit up and she immediately said;

"Number 7, with sprite" Her eyes wide. I smiled at her and nodded.

Soon enough, I returned and she started eating.  "How much longer till we are there?" She asked, you could hear the impatientness in her voice.

"A few more hours." I said and she nodded. Her eyes directed outside and watched everything go by. She turned to the radio and changed it to another album. Ed Sheeran, one of my favorites considering I helped write it, but I didn't feel like telling her that.

The album was almost done when I pulled into the hotel and her eyes went wide.

"I hope you don't mind sharing a room, Louis booked the entire hotel and there weren't any other rooms available." I said turning to her.

"It's okay" She said and hopped out of the car. I could tell she felt out of place right away with everyone running around dressed in suits and dresses. She was dressed in leggings and an oversized nude sweater, I pulled my sweatshirt on and she caught on to me and smiled.

I walked into the lobby, her hand in mine to make the act that we were together more convincing, I gave my name and pulled out my card as I stepped in front of her hoping she'd get the message. I knew she had when she stepped back a bit from the counter and patiently waited, but I couldn't help but notice the silent judgment being passed.

The woman handed me my card back and looked at Molly with judgemental eyes. I loved this town and I love Louis but sometimes I hated it.

"You ready babe?" I asked and the woman's eyes darted away with blushed cheeks. Molly accepted my hand and we walked to the elevator together.

"Thank you." She whispered in my ear and it sent shivers down my spine as her lips brushed my ear on accident.

"No problem" I answered swallowing the lump in my throat. The door opened and we stepped inside. Her hand still in mine and I couldn't help but smile.

We entered the room and she dropped her bags.

"Weddings at 4 so I'm going to take a nap and then get ready." I announced, taking my shoes off.

"Okay, I'm going to take a shower and start getting ready." She replied as I laid down. She walked into the bathroom shutting the door but it didn't latch all the way. I stared at the ceiling trying to sleep but as I was dozing off the sound of water filled my ears and I turned my head.

She stood in the middle of the floor stepping out of her leggings as they fell to the ground and she turned around. My breathing hitched slightly and my whole body was frozen as I watched, I try to peel my eyes off of her and move but I couldn't. Right there, my feelings were confirmed for her and I gulped. She disappeared from my sight and into the shower, I hastily got up and exited the room frantically walking to find Lious to clear my mind.

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