Part 13

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Harry's P.O.V

The next two days consisted of the same things, prosecutors, paperwork, tears, hugs, apologies and everything in between. I was emotionally drained and I couldn't imagine what she was going through. Each night, I would put her to bed and watch as she fell asleep. I could never sleep, I stayed up and went over everything we had in the files, and I mean everything.

One night before I put Molly to bed, Derek called and told me to come to his office immediately. I grabbed Molly off the couch before she had time to protest and pulled her to the car.

I pulled up to Derek's building and we both got out leading the way walking straight into his office without knocking. I stopped short and Molly walked into me.

"Sit down for this, Molly." Derek said and she looked confused but obeyed. We both looked at him as he brought out two pictures of separate girls. I knew right away what was happening but Molly obviously didn't.

"You're not the only one Molly" Derek spoke apologetically as she picked the photos up from his grasp. Her eyes wide as she then grabbed the file and read the statements.

"They happened less than 2 years ago, so they are eligible for evidence in court and could also count for two separate cases along with yours." Derek said and I too had to sit down.

We were all quiet as we waited for her to react but I couldn't take the tense silence anymore.

"What do you want to do?" I asked cautiously. She looked at me looking for the answer.

"Its up to you- this is your case." I reminded her. "Do you want to meet with them?" I asked.

She shook her head violently at me and I nodded. Derek and I talked for another 30 minutes as Molly sat there looking around at everything, trying to make sense of it all. I finally got her attention and told her we were heading home. She stood up and followed me back to the car, I started the engine and headed home, Pulling into the garage and we both sat there in silence.

"How are you?" She asked me suddenly. I looked at her confused.

"Everyone keeps asking me how I am and I give them the same response but no one ever asks you; plus, you never signed up for this. So how are you handling it all?" I took a minute to respond.

"I'm a mess" I replied honestly. Her eyes still on mine. "I can't sleep unless I know you're okay and the nigh-" I stopped mid sentence not wanting to tell her I stopped with my medication.

"I know about the nightmares and the medications." She told me honestly.

"Oh." Was all I could say. We both fell silent again.

"You really should take it." She paused to look at me "It helps you."

"I know..." I said back, "I just don't like relying on it." I looked at her this time and a smile smile formed on her lips before she turned and got out.

That night I put her to bed the same way but this time in my bed and I crawled in beside her. It was the first good sleep I had actually gotten in the past 2 months.


Molly's P.O.V

When I woke up the next morning, I realized I was in Harry's room and bed but Harry was nowhere to be found. I got up, headed downstairs and found him in the kitchen on his phone half smiling. He continued on with his conversation but cut it short now that I was up.

"That was Louis" He announced. "My wedding invitation was lost in the mail so he just called to tell me that I had an available plus one." He continued. His hinting didn't register in my mind, so I just smiled and said, 'That's nice.' Not expecting him to say what he did next.

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