Part 63

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2 weeks later

Molly's P.O.V

I stared back at the digital clock on my nightstand, waiting patiently for it to come to life.  I counted in my head to 60, anticipating the sound. I hit second 47 and it went rang loudly, making me jump. Harry stirred next to me, reaching and grabbing in front of him for me. My back met his chest and his head rested against my cheek.

His eyes still closed as he yawned and I smiled at him. "Good Morning" He whispered.

"Hi" I replied just as quiet. "You all packed?" I asked him sadly.

"Yeah, I am" He said rubbing his face. "I don't want to go!"  He whined, turning over to his back looking up and I slid away sitting up facing him.

"It's 3 days.. Not even" I reminded him, in an attempt to cheer him up and he nodded.

"I know" He sighed and I climbed on top of him straddling his waist. He let out a low grunt from my weight and I gave him a look.

"Kidding" He retaliated smiling and I grinned.

His hands snaked their way to my hips holding me firmly before sliding beneath his shirt I had on, resting on my now large belly. His fingers warm as they rubbed up and down until they stopped and they rested firmly against the skin and we each waited for something.

Moments passed as I kept my gaze down and his straight ahead until he felt what we were looking for and our eyes met filled with excitement. I bent down, attaching our lips. I couldn't help but smile into it as I felt his hands move to my back before carefully flipping us over.

"Harry" I half moaned as he left kisses along my neck and my now partially bare shoulder. "You have to go!" I reminded him.

"Just 5 more minutes!" He sighed and I locked my fingers into his hair before I felt his lips against my skin again leaving a hot trail down my body. He slid my shirt up over me so it rested on my chest only covering my sports bra.

Before his hands could reach what he was searching for, Addi bursted through my door and Harry frantically climbed off of me sitting up next to me as I laid there half dressed like nothing had happened.

"You have a plane to catch so I was making sure you two were up!" Addi chirped, smiling and acting as if she hadn't seen anything. She turned around walking out my door closing it behind her and Harry let out a sigh.

"Jesus christ, I think I just had a heart attack" He mumbled and I started laughing hysterically.

"It's not funny!" He cried defensively and I regained composure as I watched him change into his jeans.

"Another reason why you should move in with me... THAT" He said pointing toward my door. "Will never happen" He said sliding his shirt on and I climbed out of bed.

"You're funny" I replied sarcastically grabbing my shorts and my own tee-shirt sliding them on before I followed him out of the room to the kitchen where Addi stood at the sink.

"Morning kids!" She said loudly and Harry said nothing.

"Hi Addi" I said smiling and she winked at me. Harry and I each made our coffee before sitting on the couch staring out the window. I glanced at the clock and saw it was approaching 9:30 and I turned to him but before I could speak he did.

"I know" He whispered and I nodded taking a drink as he stood up and sat back down only closer to me.

"Call me if anything happens. I don't care how small of an issue you think it is, all I have to do is hop on a plane." He said forcefully and I nodded.

"I will" I promised him and he connected our lips.

"I love you" He said reminding me and I nodded. "I love you too."

"I'll call you when I land and when I leave New York." He said and I nodded my head. I kissed him one last time before he stood up again reaching for his bag before waving at me and I heard his footsteps through the hall. The front door opened and closed and I sighed not knowing what to do with myself.

That Night

My phone rang at 9 and I groaned not wanting to get out of bed to answer it, but slid over knowing it must be Harry.

"Hello" I said groggily.

"Hey, I didn't wake you did I?" Harry asked me quietly.

"No I was just watching TV." I lied.

"Okay, well I just wanted to call and say goodnight and I miss you"

"I miss you too." I replied and I heard him yawn in the background.

"Harry" I said and he mumbled a 'mmm'

"Go to bed, you're jet lagged." I said and he sighed.

"I know, I just wanted to check with you"

"Okay, well I'm fine and dandy but you need sleep." I said sassily and he chuckled.

"Okay, good night." He said defeated.

"Good night" I replied sweetly before hanging up and rolling back over falling asleep.

Harry's P.O.V

I heard my flight back to london being called and I stood gathering my one bag and making my way to the line forming. I handed over my boarding pass and everything and made my way through the tunnel to my seat which I claimed quickly before everyone started to board. Kids passed by with their parents and young couples wouldn't stop holding hands to simply walk down the aisle, I mentally rolled my eyes before remembering I used to be one of those people.

20 minutes later I finally heard the pilot's voice and soon we were rolling down the runway the sun still trying to peek through considering it was only 8 AM. My mind drifted to Molly and everything we had to get ready within the next few weeks. I know Molls well enough to know that she will be stressed out immensely, and when she's stressed it stresses me knowing she's stressed.

The flight was long and tiring, not to mention the wonderful turbulence we met before landing, I had no problem with flying and planes, yet turbulence always scared me more then anything. We finally landed after an 8 hour flight and I stood stretching my muscles before reaching up for my bag and walking off and through the airport toward the main entrance.

It was now dark in London considering the 5 hour time difference along with the flight making it 9 PM, I glanced down at my phone seeing I had a missed call from Molly and instead of calling back, I hopped in my car after spending 20 minutes searching for it and made my way to the apartment.

Halfway there, my phone rang and its Molly's number again.  I slide my finger across the green icon eagerly, not thinking.

"Hey, I'm on my way right now. I thought we could watch some TV and fall asleep in the middle of episodes an-"

"Harry" A voice cut me off.

"Yeah?" I said not recognizing it.

"Its Addi" She said and not thinking all I said was 'oh'

"Mollys in labor" She said as calmly as possible and I jacked on my brakes pulling over.

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