Part 58

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Molly's P.O.V

I layed in bed, staring at the white ceiling when I heard the door close. My room suddenly fell silent before I heard Andrew say goodbye to Harry.  That conversation was awkward. and the Once the door closed for a second time,  I found Addi by my side in bed comforting me, I clung to her arms in hopes of support but it wasn't the same.

"How could he?" I wailed into her shirt.

"I don't know Molly, I really don't know." She whispered rubbing my back and running her hand through my hair.

"You know, It was literally only a week after I left." I cried harder and her grip on me increased. "How could he??" I practically yelled at her I was getting angrier and angrier.

"I don't know" Was all she said and even her voice was shattered.  

"I need to take a shower."  I hoped it would calm me down.  I honestly cannot remember a time in which I was this angry.  My blood was boiling, and I didn't know what to do.  "Actually, no.  Can we egg his house?  I need to do something about this.  I can't sit here."

"Let's do it"

Four weeks later:

I splashed the cold water on my face rinsing off last nights sleep, the bags under my eyes were completely noticeable considering the past three weeks. Every night since Harry and I went out I was only sleeping a few hours a night, every waking hour was pretty much spent at the studio the second Harry had everything set up over there.

Sleeping was slowly becoming more and more uncomfortable with either little pains or my leg would start to fall asleep and tingle. Every doctor's appointment had been fine and I was always told not to stress myself over small little normal things, but I couldn't help it. Every thing that happened I panicked, and now that I hit the 26 week mark and still hadn't felt any movements from her it scared me.

Harry and I texted at night or early in the morning when we were each heading to work, our conversations were light and we often picked on each other. The calls only lasted for twenty minutes or so but our texts would go from 7 to 10 at night on and off. He always made it a point to ask how I was and I always knew what he was getting at, but I noticed with each conversation his voice would become more and more worried.

Addi and I spent most of our nights binge watching One Tree Hill, glee or Gossip Girl until one of us fell asleep. Andrew seemed to joins us every few nights but would be gone when I woke up in the morning. he seemed like a fairly nice and trustworthy person and I hadn't found any problems with him yet.

I walked out of my room walking through the apartment to the door, closing it behind me. My car was parked down the street and I quietly walked on the sidewalk, it was still early in the morning and there weren't that many people heading to work quite yet. I had this horrible thing called 'I can't sleep in past 7 disorder' so I always forced myself up and made my way to the studio to paint.

I had avoided Harry at all costs the past weeks not wanting to face him, afraid I might break down or have to listen to him explain everything all over again.  I couldn't handle that, and I had no interest in either options. I went through the motions each day, I would get up, get dressed and go to the studio to either prepare a gallery for an artist that was showing, or I would try to paint. Each one was the same though, each one grey with deep and dark emotion with little light to be shown, I wanted nothing more than to be alright again and to go about my days as normal as I could without sulking, but I knew that was going to be a while.

I slipped into my car starting it and making my way to the studio.  I was nearly half asleep the entire time. I allowed my mind to wander periodically thinking of art ideas and such but I always would come back to the hand picture and I couldn't seem to get away from it.

I focused my attention on finding the closest parking spot so I wouldn't have to walk 3 miles back to my car once I left. I entered the studio, climbing the back stairs to my paint room and opened the door to be faced with what I had been trying to avoid. The person who ran everything here was Marge and she had mentioned she was bringing my piece up, but I had completely forgotten.

I stood there frozen in place staring at the two hands remembering the last time I really looked at the piece. My mind wandered as my hand reach out and my fingers ran across the dry paint and it sent chills down my spine as I did think about it. The ring also caught my finger and I stared at it remembering the most perfect moment we had ever shared together and it brought a smile to my face, I did miss Harry but I couldn't go back to him.  At least not after this.

Harry's P.O.V

I stared straight ahead at the white wall completely zoning out in the meeting I was sitting in right now. Each day that had gone by,  I found myself slowly falling back into the same habits more and more. After I left Molly's that night I had been a mess ever since, I was completely un-organized for meetings and signings.  Heather was beginning picking up on it, as she had been staying later at night and getting all my shit together... Literally.

I had regretted every second I wasn't with her and the more I thought about what was going through her mind made me cringe with all sense of emotions.

"Mr. Styles?" I heard across the room and I snapped my head back to the men all sitting around the conference table looking at me as they waited.

"I'm sorry, what was that?" I asked clearing my throat.

"We were discussing the release date" The man at the other end said slightly annoyed.

"Yes- sorry" I said pausing. "I don't think we should rush it, whenever you are comfortable with the content and you feel like it's the right thing to put out there considering where the fan base is at" I said as professionally as I could.

"So are you going to rush a deadline?" Another spoke up. I sat there a minute and repeated the question in my mind before answering.

"No, when it feels right and you are fully invested in the content tell me when and we will release it" I said simply standing up and shaking a few hands as I walked out of the room to my office. I sat there for a moment my head in my hands looking down before a knock brought me out.

"It's open" I said clearing my throat again.

The door opened and Heather stepped inside closing it behind her.

"What just happened in there?" She asked and I wasn't sure what she was talkign about.

"What?" I asked her.

"That answer you just gave them, what was that all about."

"I don't know to be honest" I said sighing and she nodded her head sitting down giving me a look telling me to spill my guts.

"You've been acting like this for nearly a month now- Spill" She said bluntly and I released a breath I was holding in.

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